Chapter 9 - Where is home?

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 Shocked was an understatement to how I was feeling right about now. "Why didn't you ever tell me? Or better yet tell Eric so he wouldn't hound me every few minutes to tell you." I glanced up at his surprised face, however I was that little bit too slow to prevent him from seeing the slight grin on my face. I got up out of his arms and ran for it. As always though I was too slow. I screamed as we both went tumbling down. He somehow twisted us on the way down, so that I landed on him rather then the other way round. We lay there for a while in peace. me on top of his chest relaxing as I listened to his slightly faster then usual heartbeat. His hands rubbed up and down my back gently, as my eyes closed of there own accord. 

This is where I'm meant to be. With Tristan I was free, even if it was just for one night only.


Chapter 9

Tris and I stayed in that meadow for two hours, before my mother called to yell at me. Tris made funny faces and tickled my legs while I was on the phone, which didn't help my argument that I was alone. Basically, she is extremely angry and I am playing the coward and heading to Tristan's house. 

His mam welcomed me with open arms, telling me how much she loved having me stay. In other words, she's not letting me leave which is perfectly fine by me. "Why hello there Anatasia. You look a bit off today. Sleeping well I hope?" The sound of Marke's voice sent shivers down my spine. I looked over at Tris only to see him glaring at his stepbrother. He promised me I looked fine.

"I think she looks as hot as ever." Eric's voice seemed to echo around the hall as he walked out of the kitchen to give me a huge bear hug. "Don't listen to him Tas. He's a right tool." I laughed as Eric put me back down on the ground. "I thought you said dinner would be ready when I got home? What are all these people doing in my hallway?" I felt rather then saw Tris freeze up when he heard his stepfather's voice. "Oh don't worry dear. It's is ready to be served if everyone will take their seats." Amy's usual carefree attitude is lost under her monotone announcement.

As I walked hand in hand with Tris and Eric towards the dining room I can't help but wonder what I have missed. The tension seems to have evaded Marke however, which I think is the most worrying of all. The carefree banter that goes on during normal family gatherings was non-existent tonight. Not that mine or Eric's family dinners have ever been like that, but here Tris had a happy fairly normal family.

Eric avoids his parents at all costs, since he told them he was gay. Needless to say, they were not happy. His mother often attempts to set him up with her friend's attractive daughters. He can't invite me over anymore because she will think there is a chance that we could get together. Regardless of his sexual orientation, my parents actually like Eric. He is charming, wealthy and attractive, which makes him a perfect companion for their daughter.

Back to the dinner at hand, it seems that Amy is the sole provider of noise. She has a habit of babbling when she is nervous. Tris' hand tightens his grip on mine all of a sudden and I feel eyes staring intently at me from across the table.

"Do you often eat with only one hand, or are you incapable of using your knife?" Marke's mocking voice puts me on edge. All eyes land on me as I open my mouth to reply. "Of course she can use both utensils you idiot. What use could she have for a knife when she is eating a penne pasta dish though I wonder." My shocked expression seems to be in tune with everyone else at the table, as Tris breathes deeply attempting to prevent his anger from bubbling over.

"How dare you insult your brother like that, you insolent little brat. You are grounded for a week and I will get Marke to drop home your two little accomplices right away." Mike yells across the table. Tris sat frozen beside me.

I couldn't go home. I wouldn't be able for that and Eric's parents won't let me stay over. Despite the fact that he is gay, they still hope he will change. Therefore, they don't want us sleep in the same room due to them thinking there is a miniscule chance of us getting together.

I have no where to go. I looked desperately over at Amy, silently begging her to let me stay the night. She skillfully avoids my gaze as she stares intently at the table in front of her, looking as though she wished it would swallow her whole. I began to hyperventilate as Marke went into the kitchen to retrieve his keys. Eric grabbed my other hand to soothe me, but I was too far gone. I haven't been so terrified to go home in a long time. I always had the option to escape to Tristan's house. Amy had always insisted upon it. 

Marke returned quickly and Eric moved to get up, dragging me with him. However, Tris pulled me back down before I could even take a step toward the door. "She's not leaving. Ground me all you like, but Anatasia has to stay." I had never heard Tristan beg for anything to anyone other then Eric and I, but the desperate look on his face was turned full force on his mother. Amy glanced at Tris and then me and then our entertwind fingers. She seemed at a loss of words.

"You can not demand for a stranger to stay the night in my house. She means nothing to any of us. We do not run a hotel service to stray whores." By the end of his speech, Mike was yelling in my face. Tears began to fall down my face without my consent. I pulled my hand from Tristan's iron grip suddenly, and ran at full speed out of the house I had once felt at home in.

Mike's words echoed in my mind as I ran with no real destination in mind, just that I needed to get as far away from there as possible. I desperately needed to put as much distance between myself and the person who first said the words that had always been implied when my parents yelled at me. 

I was a nobody. I didn't matter to anybody. I didn't have a home to go to anymore.


Please vote and tell me what you think. I am quite pleased with how this chapter turned out. I will probably update again tomorrow.  

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