illegal hankypanky

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"I don't want to know whatever kind of illegal hankypanky was going on, I just want to know what you want for your birthday."

"Excuse me?"

Ana blinked hard, rubbing her eyes furiously. She was always delirious in the first few moments of her waking, but this was just too much. She didn't remember inviting Pietro into her bed, but regardless he was there with her, and he was still sleeping, snoring slightly. Anastazya just didn't have the heart to wake him. Somehow, during slumber, their roles seemed to have reversed, making Ana the big spoon. His head rested on her stomach, his arms wrapped round her torso, his legs slung over her own. Her heart thumped loudly in her chest.

"Your birthday? It was a month ago, but Natasha wants to know if you still want to go on that trip with her."

When Ana was sixteen, Nat promised to take her to London for a week when she was eighteen years old. Solely because she could legally buy and drink her own alcohol there. And Natasha was well aware of Ana's strange obsession with alcohol.

"Of course I do!" Ana exclaimed, grinning widely. She sat upright, wincing when Pietro's head rolled off of her stomach and hit the bed frame with a loud 'thunk', causing him to groan out in pain. Clint rolled his eyes, before narrowing them at her.

"Are you guys together?" He mouthed silently at Ana. She looked down at Pietro with a smirk, before shaking her head.

Clint smirked and shook his head at her, chuckling to himself. "It's good to see you act like a teenager for once. Sometimes I think you were deprived of childhood, seeing things like this makes me glad that I'm wrong."

You love him? The Mind Stone demanded, incredulously. Have you seen Thor of Asgard?

Ana rolled her eyes and scoffed. I like him, I think.

What do you mean 'you think'? You either like him or you don't.

I have this policy where I only pursue affection where it's surely reciprocated.

Son of Odin, kid! No wonder you've never been in love before. You treat it like a business arrangement.

Ana sighed, laying back down next to Pietro, brushing wavy tendrils of hair out of his face as he gazed at her, a smile playing on his lips.

Besides, I do not know why you would doubt his affection towards you. The Maximoff boy breaths you in like air.

I just want to be near him. I never want to leave. I don't understand it. He just makes me feel so....I don't know what the word is.


Yeah. Yeah, that's it.

SUPREMACY / P. MAXIMOFFWhere stories live. Discover now