quick little bastard

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"Hey Ana, how is it up there?"

"It sucks."

"Wow thanks Dmitriev! Delighted to have you on board, as well."

"Sorry, Coulson."

"Enough chit chat," Nat snapped impatiently over the screen. "Tell us what you've found out about our girl."

"Well," Coulson started. "We found out she was dating Pietro a couple days ago."



"That's my girl!"

"Where is that quick little bastard? I want to talk to him!"

"You can give your little 'You hurt her, I kill you' speech later, Barton. After Steve. But, no more jokes. What's going on?" Natasha demanded. Coulson sighed and shoved his hands in his coat pockets.

"To first understand how to fix Anastazya's powers, we had to figure out the source of them. How they even came to be. So after a running DNA tests, and searching old SHIELD and HYDRA files, we have found it all out. Everything," Coulson explained, glancing at Ana. "We called to ask permission to show her the files. I had a feeling if I showed them to her without permission, you'd find a way to come up here and kick my ass. And if we didn't...Ana would kick my ass. Either way, I feel safer now."

"Wait," Ana started. "You mean you found everything? Everything?"

"Journal entries from your parents, files, lab reports, pictures. We hit the jackpot Ana," Skye told her, tapping on her iPad with a solemn look on her face.

It was silent for a few moments before Clint spoke up.

"I don't want you to see those kid, you aren't going to like it," He sighed, and Natasha nodded in agreement, but didn't input anything verbally.

"How do you know she won't like it? She's old enough to know the truth now, she's going to figure it out some day, why not today?" Tony retaliated.

"Everyone deserves to know the truth about their past," Steve said, nodding in agreement to what Tony said. "No matter what it is, it feels better to just know."

"Not that my opinion matters," Skye piped up, causing everyone to stare at her. She chuckled nervously, glancing at Ana. "Anastazya, me and you are in the same boat. I was abandoned when I was born, and I've spent my whole life wondering why. Ever since I came to S.H.I.E.L.D. I've found out all I want to know...." Skye's voice drifted off. Natasha spoke up.

"And? Were you satisfied?"

"Satisfied? I don't know if I could call it satisfied. I found out my Dad was a monster and my mom was dissected and killed because she was magical. Satisfied isn't the word. But," Skye locked eyes with Ana. "It just felt better to know. I felt, relieved. I wasn't abandoned because no one loved me, I was abandoned because somebody loved me too much."

"See?" Tony says. "Wonder-tech girl looks fine to me! Ana will be fine if she reads those, you guys are just being too sensitive for your own good."

"Stark, don't make me come over there-"

"Really Arrow Boy? What are you going to do to me?"

"Guys!" Ana yelled out, sick of hearing all their bickering. "I need to talk to someone else before I decide."

"And who may that be?"

"Well, Clint, if you must know, I need to consult my boyfriend, that's who."

"Ha! She told you!"

"Tony, I swear to God-"

"Hang up on them," Ana muttered, watching as Skye tapped a few buttons on her iPad, and the image of them disappeared from the screen.

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