confessions of a teenage drama king

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"Ei au spus că a fost în jos! E în regulă ? E treaz acum? Wanda, de ce nu va sa-mi dai nici un răspuns?"

They said she was down! Is she okay? Is she awake right now? Wanda, why will you not give me any answers?!

"Poate pentru că nu mă lasă să vorbesc, Pietro. Respiră adânc." Wanda muttered into her cellphone, rolling her eyes.

Maybe because you will not let me talk, Pietro. Take a deep breath.

"Respiră adânc? Esti nebun? Ai fost atacat, Wanda! Un om poate fi atât de norocos numai. Sunt atât de fericit ești în siguranță , dar Anastazya este rănit și ea mereu rănit și vreau doar ca ea să fie în siguranță și-"

Take a deep breath? Are you crazy? You were attacked, Wanda! One man can only be so lucky. I am so happy you are safe, but Anastazya is hurt and she's always hurt and I just want her to be safe as well and-

"She is fine Pietro," Wanda groaned in exasperation. "You will see in a few moments brother. We are almost at Clint's landing strip."

Pietro let out a defeated sigh. "Okay," He mumbled. "Please hurry, I do not like to wait."

Wanda smiled. "Goodbye brother. I love you."

"Love you too."

"Anastazya loves you as well!"

Pietro hung up.

Wanda chuckled to herself, looking over to where a dazed, shaking Anastazya sat. She had woken up three hours ago, but had not said a word since then. Wanda placed a reassuring hand on her own.

"You are okay Ana, really. You can talk to us," Wanda mumbled.

Natasha let out a ghastly sounding cough before speaking. "Yeah, like did you know you were the Mind Stone? Or is that something you have been conveniently keeping from us? And that's just my first question. You know Tony and Steve are going to be pissed."

Ana closed her eyes and leaned back against the wall, mouth snapping shut.

"Nice going," Wanda muttered, causing Nat to shrug. Nat usually always played the "protective mother" card, now it was her turn to play the "mother with a grudge" card. Natasha had to admit, it was a little more satisfying.

Wanda shook Ana's shoulder lightly, trying to gauge a reaction from her, but to no avail. She stayed still like a statue.

"Pietro is waiting for us at home, he is waiting for you. You love my brother, don't you?"

Ana nodded.

"If you will not talk to me, will you talk to him?"

Ana shrugged, causing Wanda to let out a sigh, similar to the one Pietro had let out on the phone. Ana sighed as well , squeezing her eyes shut, trying to push the screaming of the Mind Stone out of her head. It had been droning on for hours.

"I told you your powers would be weak, why did you not listen to me!"

"You are so foolish!"

"You could have gotten us killed!"

"Correction," Ana thought, rolling her eyes. "You almost got me killed."

"If it weren't for me you wouldn't have even been alive dumb dumb."

Ana scoffed internally. "Shut up. If it weren't for me we would not be having this conversation. Both of us would be gone. And everyone would be safe...Now leave me alone, get out of my head!"

"Ana," Wanda piped up. "We are here, my brother should be here any second-"

Pietro's blue aura filled the room. "Wanda," He breathed out, hugging his sister tight. "I am so happy that you are okay."

Wanda nodded and kissed her brother on the cheek, and sweet smile on her face. Pietro became frantic when he saw an unresponsive Ana sitting alone in the corner next to where Wanda sat. She was shaking almost violently, due to the electricity still running through her veins. Besides a large gash trailing down the side of her face, she looked fine. But he still couldn't help but panic.

"Ana, Ana, Ana," He whispered, smoothing her hair out of her face. Her dazing eyes came into focus on Pietro's face. "I am here now my love, you are okay." He mumbled, pressing a soft kiss to her forehead, and then her cheek.

Ana wrapped her arms around Pietro's neck pulling him closer to her, and he did not protest.  She just wanted him to hold her.

"I am going to take you to Tony, he is going to give you check up," Pietro informed Ana, walking slowly towards the Barton house with Ana in his arms. Her heart fluttered at his pace. He was always so careful with her, she knew that walking as slow as he was, was probably driving him crazy.

"Talk to me," He mumbled. "What happened out there?"

Ana's eyes burned with tears of frustration. She should have told them when she had the chance. Now, people were after her, and they weren't afraid to kill the people she loved to get her. She hated herself so much for being so foolish.

"We were attacked, because of me," She choked out. "You guys are in terrible, terrible danger, because of me. I'm so sorry."

"It's okay dragă, take deep breaths. We are all going to be fine. I just need you to tell me-"

"It can wait," Steve breathed out, jogging out from inside the Barton household. "Give her to me," He ordered, holding out his arms. Pietro reluctantly handed Ana over, and watched helplessly as Steve ran her inside. He trailed after him, looking like a kicked puppy.

"Sit her here," Tony ordered, scrambling around the Barton's kitchen, muttering profusely under his breath about how much he wished Banner was still around. 

"What happened?" Clint demanded. "Natasha was painfully vague when she was calling the attack in."

"Four soldiers, claimed they were mercenaries hired by an organization. The tech they were using suggests HYDRA. They were looking for the Mind Stone," Natasha informed the group.

"Aw man," Clint muttered under his breath. "Fuck, HYDRA."

"But, we do not have the Mind Stone. It was destroyed in Sokovia by the initial explosion," Pietro stated, eyebrows scrunching together.  He sat next to Anastazya's bedside, watching her tentatively, gripping onto her hand.

"I thought that too, but I was clearly mistaken," Natasha bit back, looking at Ana suggestively. Ana let out a groan that almost sounded like a sob. 

"I feel bad enough Nat, no need to make it worse."

"Oh god, kid," Tony sighed. "What did you do?"

Ana sighed, looking up at Pietro and flinching when she saw him glaring daggers at her. She was in deep shit now. 

Her Drama King was angry. 

"When I was in Sokovia, I thought I could absorb the power of the explosion to prevent any destruction. Since the Mind Stone powered the explosion, I absorbed the power of the Mind Stone. Meaning, apparently, I am the Mind Stone."

"Why in the world would you not tell us this Anastazya?" Pietro exclaimed, waving his hands around spastically. His cheeks were flushed in anger.

"It told me not to."

"Impossible," Steve told her. 

"No, not necessarily," Wanda mumbled to herself. "It would explain why I have been hearing two voices in your head instead of one."

She's a witch! The Mind Stone exclaimed. Burn her! Burn her!

"Well isn't that just fantastic. Not only are you on the top of the galaxy's most wanted list, but you are possessed by an Infinity Stone," Tony stated, rolling his eyes in frustration. "Does someone want to call Jamal? He's the priest I usually use for exorcisms. And it looks like we are going to need one."

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