Romance of the Riches

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"Come on, Lydia!" my photographer Lance yelled.  

"A few more shots...... There done, that's a wrap!"  

Finally, I am dying for a Starbucks caramel frappucino.  

"So Lance, when is our next shoot?" I ask as I am putting my clothes on.  

"Next week, darling. Why don't you go on holiday? You could use it. Your father has been calling your agent non-stop trying to get in contact with you."  

My father runs a multi-billion dollar company. And always wants me to show up for some charity event or party. I mean don't get me wrong, I love to party like any other 21 year old but I like my parties to be at clubs not mansions drinking champagne, talking about business and money.  

"I know but I've been too busy to talk. He should understand, that I am as busy as he is and I can't always talk."  

Lance scowled at me. Lance loves my father and mother since his parents are best friends with mine. He is like the big brother I never had.  

"Lydia, you need to talk to him. You need to quit with the ignoring. I know You're mad that he said that but please move on and forgive him." He said in his this-conversation-is-over-and-you-better-do-as-I-say voice.  

"Yes, sir!" I saluted.  

"Dick" I muttered as he walked off.  

"I heard that, bitch!" He shouted back.  

Oops.... Not.  

Well, I guess I need to introduce myself. My name is Lydia Steel. I am the top model at Victoria's Secret. People think I succeeded because of my father, but nope, I succeeded because I work my ass off everyday. I live in New York, and everyday I buy a new something. Yesterday, I bought a car and today, I bought new shoes. People call me spoilt and I'll admit that yes, I am but I'm a very down-to-earth girly girl. But somedays, yes, I can be a total BITCH!  

"Bye, Lancey-Poo!" I yell as I'm walking to my new pink Porsche.

~-20 minutes later-~

Walking in my cozy flat, I am greeted with the smell of lavender and vanilla. Tonight me and a bunch of other models, who are like my family, are going clubbing and I am ecstatic! I have been dying to wear my new Gucci dress.

Knock Knock Knock!  

"Lyd, let's go!" yells Candice from behind my door.  

"Coming, be there in a sec." I yell as I am finishing my makeup.  

15 minutes later, we are walking in the club and the beat of the music is already making me want to dance.  

"let's get drinks, then dance!" I shout over the music.  

As we are waiting for our drinks I can't help but notice a extremely handsome guy across the bar from me.


A/N Thanks for reading the first chapter. I'll try to update daily for the first 20 chapters. sometimes more than once.

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