Chapter 4

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Ever woke up with a smile on your face? For the first time in many years, I did. I'd like to think it has nothing to do with Kaede Edwards, but we all know it's because of him that, me, the number one Victoria Secret model is actually, genuinely happy.

I still had the smile on my face when I walked in to VSH. I know I'm getting a few weird looks since I hardly ever smile this early unless it's for a shoot.

"What has you all smiling this morning?" a voice asked beside me.

"Good morning, Candy. And can't I, just, be happy?" I asked Candace.

"Yes but you're never this happy. The only time you're this happy is when Chanel has a huge sale. Or when your car 'messed' up and you have to get another one."

"Sweety, that's like every day?" I told her, smirking.

"Still, you ARE never this happy!" She argues. 

"Fine, I will tell you later when we go shopping and clubbing. Jeesh, woman."

"Good, can't wait, Lyd! Love you." and with a kiss on the cheek she's gone.

Walking in to Mrs. Hampton's office, I stop dead in my tracks. There's Kaede talking to her.

Trying to get my heart from jumping out of my chest, I walk in.

"Good morning, Mrs. Hampton, Mr. Edwards. I'm not interrupting anything, am I?" I ask when I walk over the threshold.

"Ah, good morning, Lydia. You're not interrupting anything, we are just chatting about the event. What can I do for you?" replied Mrs. Hampton. Kaede only nodded and smiled at me.

Returning the smile, I ask, "Any shoots today? Or anything?"

"Yes, there is the new Summer swimsuit's and wear shoot scheduled in about 20 minutes. Go ahead and start getting your makeup and hair done."

"Alrighty, you all have a wonderful day" I tell them before I shut the door to the office.

#After the shoot#

"Candy, want to meet up in say two hours?" I ask her as we are walking out of VSH. 

"Yeah, sounds great. See you then, Lyd."

After giving her a kiss on the cheek I get in my new steel grey Range Rover.

My phone rings as I am pulling out of the parking garage.


"Hey, beautiful." The voice to the man I have been thinking about all day replies on the other end.

"What's up?" I ask.

"What are you doing tonight?"

"Going out with Candice for some shopping and clubbing. Why?"

"Wanted to see you."

"Meet us at the club. I'm sure Candy won't mind."

"Alright, see you then. Text me when you're on your way there."

"K. Bye."

"Bye, beautiful." He says before hanging up.

Now, what do I wear tonight....

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