Chapter 5

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After hours upon hours and thousands upon thousands of dollars spent, Candice and I finally head to the club. Kaede is already there, waiting on me as I walk through the door.

"Hello, gorgeous" Kaede whispers in my ear, sending shivers down my spine.

I turn around and run my hand down his chest before leaning on my tip toes in my 6 inch stilettos to give him a kiss.

"Hello, handsome" I whisper against his lips.

"Alright, lovebirds, let's go get drinks then dance. I need a man" Candice yells at us.

After ordering a Scotch for Kaede and me a cranberry vodka with cranberry sprite, we hit the dance floor.

Many dances later, someone taps Kaede on the shoulder.

"May I have a dance with this piece of fine ass, you have in your arms?" a grungy voice hollers over the music.

I look at Kaede to see his eyes are spitting fire. I put my hand on his cheek to calm him down but I'm not so sure it worked. Kaede turns around and pushes the drunk grunge, "What the fuck did you just say to me about my girlfriend?!"

If I wasn't terrified for the grunges life, I would've awwed at being called his girlfriend.

"D-dude, sorry. I didn't know she was your girlfriend. I thought she was just a club whore." the guy stammers back.

Oh, fuck no! He did not just say what I think he said.

"Listen here you little dick! Move the fuck on and leave me alone before I get my boyfriend and my security team on your grungy, pathetic little ass. Got it?!" I finally snapped.

"Y-yes, ma'am. I'm sorry, I didn't know you were Lydia Steel." He stuttered out before running.

"Damn dick." I mutter to myself but apparently Kaede heard me because he started chuckling.

"What?!" I snap at him.

"Nothing, Lyd. Let's get a drink."

After a few more rounds of drinks and a lot of suggestive touching, we finally leave to head back to his penthouse, which is a building over from mine.

I'm surprised we even made it to his pent because I was about half stripped by the time we got to his door.

**Later that night or early the next morning **

After hours of a lot of fun, I'm laying on Kaedes chest rubbing my fingers in pointless patterns.

"So, I'm your girlfriend now, am I?" I tease him.

I think he actually blushed while he replied back to me. "If you want to be?"

"Is that you asking, Mr. Edwards?"

He gently pushes me on my back and peppers kisses down my neck before saying, "Ms. Steel, will you make me the happiest man alive and the most envied, and please be my girlfriend?"

I laugh but nod my head. "Yes, I will. And I promise you will have plenty of enemies now."

"I don't care, as long as I have you, beautiful."  Before I could reply he starts kissing me and grinding on me.

Let's just say we were both very late for work the next morning.


Authors note: I'm sorry the chapters are so short. I just don't know where this story is going I've been thinking of putting it on hold and starting another one. Let me know your thoughts on that.  And don't forget to vote, comment and fan.

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