High School Confusion Part 9

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Sorry that i haven't been updating like i use too. It's been really hectic around here. Now its summer time, and i gonna try to update more =]


Lindsay's POV

' God can math be anymore boring, I'm starting to hate the idea of me spending another five months in this class.' i thought. I was fairly good in math but i didn't pay attention as much as i use to. Ever since i met Sam, my perspective changed on how i saw things. it's not like I'm lacking in my school work, I just want to focus on what's happening between us. Are we more then friends, is it just a fling, or those she really care about me like I love her. 

I remember the first time we met in the hallways. I was looking at my Ipod after playing 'This Girl' by Laza Morgan. I've been kinda clumsy in middle school and my freshman year of high school, i thought i out grew it. I'm glad i didn't because i would have never met Sam. I completely fell for her. The way her eyes light up, or the way she smiles at me, or when we play basketball against each other how we play against each not hard on but soft play.

"Lindsay!!!" i turned around around to see Sam's friend Rachel run towards me. when she got to me she had a look of concern but then turn to anger.

" Hey Rachel, what's wrong?"

" Is it true you and Karen kissed?" How does she know about this. Does Sam know about it too.

" Yea it's true but i didn't want it to happen. You see Karen forced me into the bathroom, at first i thought she wanted to talk about us but then she pushed me to the wall and started kissing me. I liked it, i can;t lie to you about that but then i felt something. Something telling me that Karen was the person for me. I knew i was right, because i don't like Karen, I love Sam."  I looked at Rachel with the most serious eyes. I just hope she believes me because I'm telling the truth.

" I believe you lindsay, I do but it's not me you have to tell this. Sam's heart broken right now. Karen told Sam that you and her skipped class together all day yesterday. Your lucky Becca was there to tell the truth to Sam. I'll see you at lunch hopefully" Thank god for Becca being there for last period. With that Rachel went to her next class. I took out my orange LG rumor 2 phone, started texting Sam.

'Sam can we plzz talk? I need to tell you something very important.' i Sent the message and waited against the wall for her reply. BUZZ BUZZ BUZZZZ

' Yea, sure where?'

' how about on the track outside?'  BUZZ BUZZ Buzz

' OK be there in 3 mins'

I texted mary saying i wasn't going to be in french today. I was on the Ground floor so i made my way through the Blue Gym down the concrete trail an to the track. Sam wasn't here yet so i waited on the bleachers. Thank god i picked a good day to come outside in the winter. I believe it was 67 degrees outside today. 


Mary: Why are you ditching French?

Me: Problems and misunderstandings with Sam and it's all becuz of Karen. :(

Mary: Well i hope and know everything will be OK.

Me: I hope so too. I see you later Ok :]

" Am i interrupting something?" i looked up and saw Sam. Her eyes looked like if she spent all day crying. She had a fake smile on her face of course.

" Nothing i was texting Mary that i was going to French today."

" Mary right? So why did you ask to come in the freezing cold again" she laughed i tried not to because I wanted to be serious at this point.

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