4. Slipped

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"Can I burn this instead?"

"No, James."


"James. You need to pass this class with a very high score to become an Auror. Not doing this assignment is not an option."

"Technically, it is an option-"

"James, Sirius is nearly done."

Her boyfriend huffed and picked up his quill and she tried to suppress a grin. "I'll finish the stupid thing."


The two were sitting in their common room that Wednesday afternoon, studying. It wasn't a favorite pastime for either of them, but becoming Aurors and the will to help in the coming war outweighed the childish parts of them that desperately wanted to be doing anything else.

"The Order meets tonight, right?"

"Yes." Lily bit her lip and furrowed her brow as she read over a transfiguration spell. "James?"

"Yeah, Lilypad?"

"Can you help me with the wand movements on the spell for transfiguring something into a sword?"

"Sure, Lils. Here."

And the afternoon droned on like that, swapping questions about things until their homework was almost done. It was Lily who glanced at the clock and nearly fell out of her chair.

"James! James we have two minutes! Hurry!"

Technically, they should not have been running through the halls, especially as Head Boy and Girl, but if anyone saw they said nothing. Lily and James made it to Dumbledore's office in record time and were pleased to find that they were some of the first people there. James began to chuckle through shaky breaths.

"Ha, haven't run like that in awhile."

"Ugh. I am never running again."

"Oh, you don't like it?" She glared at his smirk and made her way over to the Weasleys, a couple she'd grown fairly close to last year when she first started coming to the meetings.

"Ah, Lily!" It was Arthur who greeted her, hugging her and kissing her cheek.

"Arthur, Molly." She smiled warmly, hugging Molly as well. "How are you two? The boys?"

"We're all fine." Molly smiled, placing a hand on her swollen belly. "The boys are excited about having a little brother."

"Oh, it's a boy? Looks like you're outnumbered, Molly."

Lily hadn't noticed James behind her, but she looked up at him, with his grin and messy hair, and gave him a quick elbow to the ribs. He acted as if nothing had happened and greeted the couple quickly, metaphorically waving away Lily's frustration with him.

"Excuse my hus-boyfriend." Had she really almost said husband? What was with her? She prayed to every God she knew in that second that James hadn't noticed the slip up and avoided looking at him for the moment, as if ignoring him would somehow make the situation go away. "H-he can't help himself, really."

"Oh, he's alright." Molly laughed; she was obviously in one of her better moods. Lily wondered if it was hormones. "I've been married for almost eight years. Believe me, I'm used to it."

Lily turned to shoot James a small smile, but was shocked to see that he had left her side. She looked around for a moment and caught him talking to Remus and Sirius, all three of them giving her a look she didn't recognize.

It was as if her stomach shriveled up, hardened, and fell to her feet.

James caught the slip.


For a brief and tense moment, Peter considered not going to the Order meeting.

He'd be seeing them there, and even if he wasn't on good terms with them at the moment, he felt guilty.

Guilty as hell.

But, the Dark Lord would not be pleased if he skipped out on this.

Peter grudgingly went to the meeting.


"Lily, wait." She'd taken off right after the meeting, practically flying back to her dormitory. Avoiding James now wasn't going to be easy, but she could stay in her room for the rest of the night and leave before he did in the morning.

Yes. Yes, that would work.

James, however, was hot on her heels. He couldn't lose her, he needed her. He didn't realize that seeing Peter again would throw him off like it did tonight, and he needed to be with her right now to get his mind off of it. She dared not look back, but could feel his breath on her neck. Please, please, please let me get away.

An arm reached out and grabbed her around the waist, effectively keeping her from running any further. James pulled her against his chest and hugged her as she struggled.

Lily felt utterly ridiculous. "Please, let me go."

"Lily, baby, at least talk to me. Please."

"Let me go, James." He did and she turned to look at him; he looked lost. Scared, almost. Sad. "I think we should take this to the common room."

"Good idea."

Lily turned and took the last few steps to the portrait. "Doe."


"Look," Lily started as they sat on the couch. "I have no idea where that came from, and I'm really sorry, and I hope it didn't freak you out too much."

James just smirked.

"James, could you say something, please?"

A grin.

"James." Her voice broke a little; she was afraid this would happen. She was sure he'd changed, but here he was, nearly laughing at her mistake. He was probably going to break up with her and taunt her about this until at least graduation, and possibly afterwards. She watched as his grin turned quickly into a frown.

"Oh, Lily, stop. Don't get upset, it was nothing. Actually made me kind of happy." He reached forward and hugged her and she hugged back, burying her face in his shoulder.

"S-sorry. Sometimes I let my thoughts run a little wild."

"You're fine. We're fine. I'm still going to be here, I promise." He pulled away and cupped her cheeks in his hands and took a deep breath, which shocked her. James was never one to be nervous. "I love you, Lily."

And then she understood.

Her heart raced and she shook, her breath not coming out as evenly as she would have liked. And then...

"I love you too, James."

With a grin he kissed her, and she slowly started to feel normal again.

A/N: More pining Wolfstar next chapter along with what happened with Peter at the meeting. :)

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