7. Hogsmeade

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A/N: So, I had to change the year in the description for reasons I can't tell you all just yet. Just play along ^^. Onto the next installment of Prongs and Lilypad!

"The Hogsmeade t-trip." Peter said to Severus. "J-James and S-Sirius ha-have dates, R-Remus will be too sick to go. I-I can get the D-Dark Lord into the school."

"He wants to attack the village as a distraction as well. His plan is to get to the headmaster quietly as that is going on." Severus thought out loud. "We could probably take out those arrogant morons as well."

"The Dark Lord wants to try to convert them and the mudblood." Lucius, who had been silent up until this point, finally asserted. "Going after those three could cost you your life, Severus. Ignore your petty personal war with them and think about why we're doing this."

The words, although true, made Severus want to slice the man's head clean off. He restrained the urge, however, and nodded.

"My apologies."

Lucius only smirked.


"I look hideous."

"Oh, shut up. You do not."

"If I'm breaking up with him, I at least want to look good doing it."

Marlene and Lily had been standing in front of Lily's bathroom mirror for the better part of an hour putting on makeup and working on their hair. Lily had let her hair fall around her shoulders in loose curls, while Marlene was going through her hair for the third time with her straightener. Lily had moved on to her makeup, putting on just a bit of foundation and eye shadow.

"Mascara or no?"

"Yes. Lip gloss too."

"Oh, I can't have lipstick?"

"That would be too much." Marlene was fiddling with a rather ornery piece of hair. "Look in my makeup bag, there's a really light shade of pearl that would look really good on you."

"I am not wearing your lip gloss."

Marlene stopped, held her straightener away from her hair, and turned to fix Lily with a hurt look. "You've never had a problem with it before?"

"Your lips have touched it, which means his lips have touched it." She cringed. "That would be like me kissing Sirius Black. He's like James' brother."

"Oh shut up and wear the bloody lip gloss." Marlene huffed. "You and your tendency to overthink things."

"Bloody hell, no need to get all huffy."

"I'm sorry, I know I'm being a jerk." She sighed. "This whole thing with Sirius is starting to freak me out."

Lily found the lip gloss and started to dab it on. "How so?"

"I don't think I should let him go, Lily."

Lily looked over at her friend. "What changed your mind?"

"I'm not really sure." She set her straightener down and unplugged it before pulling out her face primer and dabbing it on. "I just...I don't want to lose him. He's been such a good boyfriend, and he's the complete opposite of Marcus, which is exactly what I need."

Lily pursed her lips. She remembered how horrible the Ravenclaw had been to Marlene; when Marlene had tried to break up with the abusive rat, he'd grabbed her so hard it left bruises on her arm and had proceeded to have his way with her. Lily had never felt that rage before and so it hadn't bothered her a bit to give him an ugly shiner and a broken nose.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2016 ⏰

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