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Disclaimer: JKR owns all of these wonderful characters :)

James Potter, you'd have to admit, had grown up.

Having the girl you love tell you she'd rather date the giant squid than you, watching your father die in front of you, and people trying to force you to finish an education you didn't really need would do that to you.

He sat, twirling his wand in his hand as he thought. It seemed as if he had two choices, now that he was of age. One, he could listen to his mother and go back to Hogwarts for a final year of training. He'd get to spend time with Lily and his friends for one more year.

Lily, after seeing how much he'd changed over the summer before sixth year, had decided to give him a second chance. They'd been friends all of their sixth year and were now corresponding weekly. He was so close to getting her to say yes to being his girlfriend, he knew it, but...

The second option was looking really good. This being, simply, drop out of Hogwarts and go immediately into Auror training. Padfoot had promised that he'd follow wherever James went, and this comforted the young animagus.

He was interrupted by someone clearing their throat and knocking lightly on his door. His head turned to the sound and he gave Padfoot a small grin.


"Hey. Hogwarts letters came."

"Awesome, where's mine?"

The dog, grim looking animagus shifted from foot to foot. "That's just it. You didn't get one."

Dumbfounded, James put down his wand and sat up straight, cocking a brow. "Nothing? I got nothing?"

"I didn't say that. Dumbledore sent a note. He wants you to meet him in his office, now."

James stood and pocketed his wand and pulled on a light jacket. "How'd you find that out?"

"Mum was curious and...none too pleased, I might add. I think she knows you weren't going to go back."

"How would she know?"

"Why else would Dumbledore want to see you?"

Realizing that his brother in everything save blood had a point, the raven haired man sighed and gave Sirius a clap on the shoulder as he made his way out of his room. "I'll be back. Keep mum calm, will you?"

"Sure, sure."


James knew this office like the back of his hand, which, in hindsight, wasn't exactly something he should be proud of. It seemed as if his and the other Marauders visits had become routine; when they had still been largely into pranking, McGonagall had finally given up and sent them to the Headmaster to deal with their punishments.

He'd been pretty lenient most of the time, if everyone was being honest. It drove the Slytherins and Filch absolutely crazy.

But, during sixth year, the Marauders, Frank Longbottom, Lily Evans, Alice Prewett, Marlene McKinnon, and the rest of the group called "The Order of the Phoenix" met at least once a week in the man's office. The meetings had continued throughout the summer and would continue until the Dark Lord had been dealt with, according to Dumbledore.

James made himself comfortable in a chair in front of the Headmaster's desk, and within a few moments jumped a little at the sound of Dumbledore's voice.

"Am I correct in assuming you weren't going to come back this year, James?"

He guessed he really had made up his mind. "Yes, Professor." He stood and turned towards Dumbledore, leaning against the man's desk as he spoke. "The Aurors need more men. And I'd feel more useful out there than in here."

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