The IKEA Girl

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Myles Parrish imagine: The IKEA Girl

You were shopping in ikea and you wanted to have a quick look around before you were meeting your friend for lunch. Walking into the store something felt weird. Your heart didn't feel right. You tried to brush it off but your heart was beating so fast. Your palms started to get all sweaty. Your phone buzzed it was from your best friend Ash.

'Hey I'm running a tad late. I'll meet you in the cafe in about 30 minutes. Is that okay?'

Your heart relaxed a bit thinking that was the problem. But then you saw him, the adorably shy guy from last time. They were in the exact same isle as last time. You were looking for plastic cups, trying not to listen to him. "Kalin chill with the selfies today, I'm not in the mood." The cute guy said. You looked up and the taller one decided then to take a picture of the two of them. You laughed quietly to yourself, at the face the cute one pulled. They both looked up at you. Just then you decided to walk straight past them, acting like you didn't see anything. You heard them talking about you, "Bro isn't that...?"

"Yeah it is" He interrupted his friend. You didn't look at them but they sounded starstruck. You walked really quickly trying to escape the stares and awkward tension. You called Ash, no response. Your heart was beating so fast, 'what the heck is going on?' you thought.

(Kalin talking to Myles.)

"Is it just me or is this a sign?" Kalin said. Myles turned around and started to grab items off the shelf. "I have no idea what you are talking about," he brushed it off. Cam started walking towards them with kitchen roll. "CAAAMMMM!" Kalin Shouted.

"Whet?" He responeded.

"We just saw the girl." Kalin said, his eyes popping out his head.

"The girl?" He asked.

"THE GIRLLLL" Kalin empathised.

Cam turned to Myles, "Dude did you talk to her?" Myles looked down embarrassed. "I'll take that as a no." Cam continued. Kalin and Cam laughed.

"Shut up you guys!" Myles shouted.

"Bruh you said you'd talk to her next time you see her." Kalin stated.

"He also said that the time before that, and the time before that." Cam said.

"Well technically I did say hi, but that didn't go very well." Myles scratched his head.

"How about we make a bet?" Kalin proposed.

"Uh-oh." Cam laughed.

"Kalin don't" Myles said. Kalin laughed.

"I bet you won't talk to her the next time you see her. And if you don't then I get to go up to her and make a fool out of you." Kalin had an evil look in his eye. Myles stayed quiet.

"Deal," Cam said.

"What the fuck Cam? You don't have a say in this." Myles stated.

"As bet commissioner of the house, I do. May the bet commence." Cam said in a strict voice. Making all the boys laugh.

You were on the phone to your best friend Ash. "Ash seriously can we just go somewhere else." You were walking through the isles aimlessly. "Okay yeah he's cute but I'm not going to do anything about it." you stopped and looked at some diy products. "Ash come on, please." She kept saying she wanted the food from ikea. She said that she'd be there in a bit, so it didn't matter. "Butttt Ashhhh." you whined. Then all of a sudden you heard a male voice behind you.

"It doesn't even matter, I won't see her again anyway." What are the chances you thought. 'Is this you being lucky or unlucky?' you thought. "Ash he's right behind me" you whispered. "I'm not saying anything" you continued. Ash started screaming down the phone trying to get the guy to hear your guys' convo. "Shut up Ash!" you said a little bit too loudly.

She started laughing, "They heard you didn't they, turn around." She urged. You did slowly and they were all staring at you. Just then you legged it to the cafe. Still on the phone to Ash you said. "I'm in the cafe I'll wait for you here, hurry up please." you hung up.

10 minutes had passed and you were in the cafe waiting for Ash. Then the three guys walked in. The tall one was laughing his head off. "Did you see the way she ran away from you," he grabbed on to the other guy holding his stomach.

"I know right." the other one said laughing too.

"Shut up guys! It isn't funny." you kept your head down.

"Boo." Someone said behind you, it was Ash.

"Jesus Ash, don't do that." You said.

"So where's poof?" She said.

"He's over there," You pointed discreetly with your thumb.

"Aww he's a little cutie!" She said a little too loudly. All three of them looked at you guys. Ash held her hand up and said "Helloooo," She was about to wave them over, but then you grabbed her hand and pulled her down to sit next to you. "Ash you are so embarrassing. please don't." You had your head in your hands, shaking it side to side. "Oh please you want him to come over to you, I wouldn't mind him coming over." She was still looking directly at him. "If you don't make a move I will for myself. I mean look at them cakes." She laughed to herself. "Oops I think they heard me." She said with no embarrassment whatsoever. You looked up and the cute guy was looking at you.

"Bro come on, she's right there." Kalin said.

"Yeah it's now or never." Cam said. Just then you got up and was tugging on Ash telling her to get out of here. You were so embarrassed and all you wanted to do was get out of there. Food was the last thing on your mind. "Okay, okay." Ash said. "Geez don't have to pull my arm off. You guys were walking to the exit. More like speed walking. "Slow your role Y/N." Ash said behind you. Just then Ash turned around and saw Myles walking towards you guys. You hadn't noticed.

"Come on Ash." She stopped walking.

"Wait my laces are untied," Ash bent down. You were still facing the exit but you stopped not leaving Ash.

"Wait a minute you're wearing sandals." You turned around and felt someone grab your hips. Lips were placed on yours and you didn't moved. To shocked to react, you heard Ash snickering next to you. You finally pulled away, "EXCUSE ME." You said flustered.

"Damn bro I said talk to her, not attack her." Kalin laughed.

"Oh shit, I'm sorry I'm Myles." You stood there shocked. Then all of a sudden Ash slapped Myles and pulled you towards the exit. You guys were linking arms and she whispered in your ear. "Don't worry he'll come running after you in 3...2...1." Someone grabbed your arm and pulled you back.

The end.:)

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