The Journey of a Wild One. (A BVB fanfic)

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Delilah was almost dead. She had been wandering this desert for what seemed like years, though it had only been a day. What she was looking for, she did not know. All she knew is that her parents were murdered. Murdered by F.E.A.R., and she was would have been next, if she hadn't have used the cellar window and gotten away. Delilah slumped to the ground. The memory was almost to much. The sight of her mother, hanging over the porch railing, her neck bent at a strange angel, and a hole right between her eyes. 'An eighteen year old....I should have done something Dammit!' Kate couldn't cry. She had been without water for hours, and was too dry to cry. 'Move along...Move along Del' Her fathers voice rang through her it had been doing for the past day. She got up and continued walking.

It was another three hours before Delilah saw a town. But this town was smoking, literally. She ran to it, since the town was obviously, recently, deserted; maybe there was some water in one of the bars or shops. Hope flooded through her when she saw a small bar, and she pushed her way through the door. After searching the entire bar, the was no water. After a few curse words, a broken vodka bottle, a few cuts, she stalked out of the bar again.

She stood in what must have been the town center. There was the remains, of what she guessed was a fountain, no water. That's when she heard it. The raspy sounds of a woman on the other side of the fountain. she ran over. The woman propped her self up against the fountain, a bloody shirt pressed against her bloody chest.  Delilah rushed over. "Mam! Are you alright?" 'What a stupid question' She thought. This lady was obviously not alright. She was dying. The woman saw her and waved her closer. "Miss....Please..." The woman placed a cloth wrapped around something into Delilah's hand. "Take this...To the leader...of The Wild Ones..." 'The wild ones?!' The wild ones were a rebel group fighting against F.E.A.R. Delilah's father had been trying to find The Wild Ones and join there cause. Until... She shook her head focusing on the woman again. "They...They will Help you..." She said. With her last breath the woman leaned closer to Delilah's ear. "Delilah...Hope." She died before Delilah could look at her with the surprised and slightly creeped out look on her face. 'How the hell dose this woman know my name?!' She thought.

She was kicked in the gut by a pain in her stomach. She was in need of water, desprately. She could feel her guts closing in on each other. Running into the nearest abandoned shop, she rushed to find a water bottle or something. After finding nothing, she ran back into the square looking around. She saw a dust cloud, created by...people. She couldn't tell... her vision was getting blurry. Before noticing the black flag one carried, she blacked out.

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