Ashley's POV

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Her hand was soft.. Like leather on his vest. As they were about a few hundred yards away, he slowed down and walked beside Delilah.

"Base, you ask, is the place where all of the wild ones rest. Believe it or not, we're not invincible. Even turd bucket Andy has a breaking point." He said. Delilah looked at him. "So its a medical base?" "No, No." He sighed. "Its like a giant camp where we can relax and not get shot at everywhere we go." Delilah nodded. "Okay gottcha." Ashley looked her up and down. "First place your going is wardrobe. Damn girl." He said impersonating an old TV show, Jersey Shore.

It was about an hour they walked in silence, until the base was spotted in the distance. "Home sweet home." Ashley sighed. Delilah gave him a smile, and he smiled back. 'Damn, she's Andy's twin defiantly.' He thought. The black hair, the icy blue eyes. The pretty straight teeth. 'She shouldn't have to be in this war...'

The two arrived at base, greeted by Juliette, Andy's Girlfriend. She gasped.

"Ashley, This isn't andy is it?!" Delilah laughed. "No, Im Delilah." Juliet smiled. "Ah, The..." She raised her eyebrows at Ashley. Ashley nodded. Juliet Smiled. "Alrighty. This way." She lead both of them to an area in the back of the main building where Girls and Boys alike where training. Juliet cupped her hands over her mouth. "Margeret, Amanda, allie! Fall in!" Three girls, About Delilah's age, ran up to Juliet. One had curly hair kinda in a fro, but not really. Her warpaint had her face entirely white with a black line star under her left eye. The one next to her had black, short hair, Cut at an angel at the shoulders. Her war paint looked a little like Andy's, except her mouth wasn't makeup lines. There was an actual scar coming from her right corner of her mouth.

The last was tall, brown hair pulled back in a pony tail. Her warpaint was lines. Black messy lines every where. Sometimes in five tally marks. She looked the strongest. But the fro girl looked like a good fighter too. The middle one looked more like a sidekick.

"Delilah, Meet Margaret, Amanda, and Allie." Amanda stepped forward, taking Delilah's hand and shaking it.

"General Amanda. I lead first squad." The other two followed suit, Margaret apparently lead third squad, Allie leading second. A silly, boyish voice sounded behind them. "And an Ax!" Delilah turned, to find Andy holding a silver ax. Juliet smiled. "Which I will use on Andy if he doesn't behave." Andy made a fake horrified face, then kissed Juliet's cheek. Juliet smiled and turned to Amanda. "Mandy, Mind getting Delilah A weapon." Mandy nodded, walking off. Juliet turned to Ashley and Andy. "Andy, Im assigning her to your squad." "What?!" Called Margaret. "For Two reasons." Juliet snapped. "One, She needs to be with them, Being who she is. And two, shes a hope. They have fighting in they're geans."

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