Chapter 4

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First Chachi's POV!!!!! OH YEAH! And at the beginning of every chapter that has some Spanish in it I'll have the word and its definition in English so you know what she's saying. Kind of like a word bank.

*Word Bank*

mi madre- my mother

fuego- fire

**Chachi's POV**

I sighed and turned the key, opening the door to my house and stepping inside. "No, Jess you don't understand! Bieber is a complete pain in the ass! I mean don't get me wrong because the kid is drop dead sexy. But he's just too annoying! A total player! Oh, gosh. He is so lucky I'm getting paid for this!"

I felt her frown through the phone. "Chachi, like seriously? Are you not a player too? In my eyes and surely everyone elses you guys are one and the same."

I scoffed, throwing my keys on the kitchen counter and sitting in a stool by the mini-bar. One of the many maids in the house immediately went behind it, preparing my nightly drink. "Nice to know I have your support, Jessica. Thanks a lot."

"Well, I'm just saying. You know it's true. Now who are you?"

"Chanel Mariana Gonzalez," I groaned into the reciever.

"And that means you're going to dominate this role. If he wants to be all seductive and sensual, you come right back at him. Make him want you."

"What guy doesn't want me?" I laughed. No, I'm not conceited. Just confident.

"You know what I mean, Chanel." she chuckled. "Make him want you thousands times more than he already does. Torture him. Just be your regular sexy self. You'll have him on his knees in seconds."

I scoffed again. "More like he wants me on my knees giving him fucking oral!" I paused when I heard her cracking up on the other end. "Did you not fuck him? Shouldn't you be agreeing with me right now?"

She started talking through her laughing fit. "Oh please honey! Justin d-doesn't do oral!" she laughed. "He likes-"

"LA-LA-LA-LA-LA!" I yelled into the phone, making the maid, who I now recognized to be Elyssa, jump in surprise, almost wasting my drink. But she saved it. "I don't wanna know that Jess! EW! That's just plain gross!" I said, taking a sip of the martini that was just set in front of me.

"Sorry," she said, her laughs dying down to a quiet giggle. "Hey Jasmine and I are going to 21 in about an hour. You wanna come? Maybe find some sexies"

I laughed. "You know I'm always up for hitting the club, J. I'm surprised you had to ask."

"Well, start getting ready now. We'll be over in fifteen to hang before we leave! Bye, Chanel."

"Bye, Jess!" I replied before hanging up the phone. "Thanks for the drink Essy, but I'm about to go to Club21 for the night. If mi madre decides she wants to come home, tell her where I am, okay?"

She nodded. "Of course Miss Chanel. Would you like glass frozen for when you come back?"

I nodded, heading towards our elevator. "You know it!" I laughed. "You're the best, Elyssa!" I said, as the door closed. When I got up to the third floor I immediately. Ran into my room, which I'd like to point out takes up the whole floor, along with the bathroom and my walk-in closet, as well as my wonderful dance studio.

You think I'm a diva?

No, maybe you just think I'm spoiled.

Or maybe you think I'm a famewhore?

What about a slut?

Stupid for not wanting Bieber in my pants??? Yeah, that's probably it.

Well, fuck you.

I walked across the room and pulled open the double doors to my closet, stepping inside. I went over to the loor-to-ceiling cabinet that stretched all the way across the left wall. This contained all my clothes. Custom. Made. I went to about the middle, where I knew my party dresses were. I toched the area, a portion of the closet sliding out before my eyes I searched through the dresses.

"Worn. Worn. Worn. Ohmygosh is this Rebecca's?!?!" I screamed, pulling out the most uglies dark red dress that I'm guessing Rebecca left over here, onto the floor in disgust. Yes, I'm talking about Rebecca Black. Why was she ever in my house, you may ask? Well I had to work with her for some kind of publicity project I cannot remember. She tried on some of my dresses I didn't really care about anymore. So I'm guessing, she took that one dress and replaced it with this piece of shit. Oh, well. I did her a favor.

Do I like Rebecca Black?




She's a stupid dumb bitch. And just so you know, today is Saturday, tomorrow is Sunday, and Monday comes afterwards. And when that time comes around guess what?

She'll still be a stupid dumb bitch.

I continued to search through my closet until I came across a short black dress with three ruffly leather layers at the bottom. I smiled, satisfied. I laid it acrossa nearby chair and then went over to my shoe rack on the next wall. It didn't take up the whole wall but it took up half, the other being my hair and make-up area. I looked along the rack until I stopped at the third column, fourth row, spotting my favorite pair of shoes. Chris Louboutin silver zip up stilettos. I put them over by my dress and went to do my make-up, deciding to leave my hair alone tonight. I did the more grey  version of the smokey eye effect, which only took me about five minutes. You can say I do this a lot. I put on some jewelry. A few diamonds, nothing too classy.

After I finished I got dressed and took the elevator back downstairs to find Jasmine and Jessica sitting on the couch in the living room watching the little aquarium I had ordered to be installed in the wall. I love water. Like amazingly love it. I think it represents freedom, especially when you're in the ocean underwater swimming around with the different kinds of fish. I find it very fascinating.

"Hey girls." I smiled, joining them, except I sat in a chair.

"Ohmygosh I think the room just caught fuego!" Jasmine smiled brightly. "Chachi you look dayum fine!"

I chuckled. "I know this. And you too! And we're definitely hooking up tonight. Because I have my girls with me. And this is a triple threat. I don't know about you guys but I'm ready to go now."

They both nodded eagerly. "I agree." Jess said. "Jas, you drive?" she asked, rising up off the couch. Jasmine nodded and Jess tossed her the keys as we all walked out the door.


When we arrived at the club I was so happy to be greated by the upbeat music. I haven't been clubbing in so long. I've been way busy so this is definitely a departure. It's also wonderful that this club is pretty dark aside from te flashing lights so nobody really knows who we are. We can just be normal, random people.

All three of us rushed the dance floor excitedly. At first we just danced in a little group to ourselves for awhile until I felt myself being pulled away from the floor. When the person stopped pulling me I looked around and noticed I was in one of the little lounging areas that are scattered around the club.

"Hey Chanel." I heard a teasing voice whisper in my ear all of a sudden, making me jump. I turned around and raised my leg, ready to roundhouse kick this son of a bitch in the face, whoever it was. But I cut myself off when I realized how short the dress that I'm wearing is. "Whoa! Claws in, kitty." I heard a chuckle then I looked up to find him smirking at me.

Oh, damn you Bieber


Okay so I stayed up till 6AM writing this chapter and I made a new cover so I beg you people not to tell me this was short! I. AM. TIRED!!!!!! Goodnight/morning LexiLovers




READ!!!! :)


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