Chapter 10

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**Chanel's POV**

I woke up early the next morning for two reasons.

One. I was sober.

And two. I decided to make breakfast for everyone.

It was around eleven when Jasmine and Jin came downstairs. "Hey babe!" Jasmine smiled, skipping over and kissing my cheek.

"Hey." I said quietly, getting an odd look from her. "Soo...Have fun last night?" I asked, raising an eyebrow in false amusement, trying to seem unphased.

She blushed. "Umm...yeah, about that. Was I really that loud?"

"On a scale of one to ten, boo, I give you a solid eight point nine." Her face made and O and her cheeks turned even redder.

"Uh, I'm gonna go freshen up..." she said, obviously embarassed. She scurried out of the kitchen.

After pulling out some vegetables, I set them on the counter and turned to Jinsu. "Have fun Jin?" I asked, making sure he saw the sadness I was feeling.

 "Nelly..." he started but I cut him off.

"Don't call me that."

"Chanel...look...I know things were...what seemed to be perfect, between us. But, there's something about Jasmine that-"

"Don't even think about finishing that sentence." I snapped, cutting him off. "How could you?" I felt the tears pushing forward. "I've been lying to myself this whole time, telling myself I'm happy for you two, but it sickens me..."


"But I guess my feelings don't matter, right?" I asked, my voice breaking. "Do you not miss me in the slightest? You jumped straight into her arms without the slightest hesitation."

"Chanel, listen-"

"Oh my gosh, babe! What's wrong?" Jasmine asked, jumping from the steps to run and hug me.

I glared at Jin over her shoulder and pulled away, shaking my head. "It's just the onions..." I replied, gesturing to the ones I had been chopping on the cutting board. "I'm making omelettes..."

"Oh....great!" she chirped. "I can help. Want me to make the eggs?"

"That'd be great." I half smiled. I'm not bitter towards Jasmine. Jinsu approached her, not the other way around. Plus, it's not like she knew about us beforehand.

When I finished chopping up all the fixins I told Jasmine I was going up to wake Jessica. I decided to take the stairs instead of the elevator. It's only on the second floor. I can take one flight of stairs. I try to only take the elevator to the 3rd floor, which is my room. When I got to the room Jessica usually stays in, I slowly cracked the door open and slid in, shutting it behind me.

She was buried under the covers, breathing lightly. I climbed under the covers and straddled her body. I know very well that I'm Jess's biggest girl crush, since she is bisexual. And me, being bi-curious.....why not tease her a bit? I'm trying to figure out my honest sexuality anyways.

You remember when I told Bieber I didn't swing that way?

Okay, here's the deal.

You're stupid if you I'd tell him any truth of my personal life.

I took a look at her sleeping face. Her eyes were closed lightly and her face was peaceful. Jessica really is beautiful. I really have genuine feelings for her. I told myself that I'd never flirt up a girl sober, but I'm making an exception for Jessica. At least for now.

I leaned down and lightly started kissing her neck down to her shoulder. I ran my hands down her body and gripped her hips. I felt her start to shift underneath me. I licked down her neck this time, hearing a small moan leave her lips. I honestly loved the sound. I pulled away from her neck to see her eyes flutter open. She looked at me for a moment, confusion visible across her face. I smiled at her, rubbing her leg softly.

"Okay, so I know I must be dreaming...." Jessica whispered, wrapping her arms around my neck.

I giggled lightly. "And why is that?" I whispered back.

"That's the only place this has ever happened." I saw a slight frown form across her face.

"Well, I can show's real...." I breathed, bringing my face closer and closer to hers.

Then I touched my lips to hers. I've kissed Jessica before, but not like this. This was hungry. It was as if we knew we needed each other to fill the empty space. We've both had our hearts broken. You could feel it in the kiss.

I pushed my tongue into her mouth, demanding entrance. She happily obliged, but fought back anyways. As our tongues battled each other I felt her roll us over. Then she pulled away, leaving me, surprisingly, a bit upset. "I thought you weren't in that chapter, Chanel..." she whispered.

"Well...I figured I'd try to read the book?" I asked her, wondering what she would think of my suggestion.

A bright smile was plastered across her face. "Dinner tonight, then?" she asked hopefully.

I nodded. "That sounds great, Jess." Then I remembered. "Oh shit! We gotta go! Jasmine's waiting on me. I was only supposed to come wake you up."

"Oh, and wake me up is exactly what you did..." She smirked at me.

"Oh, hush, Jay!" I laughed, pushing her off me and giving her one last kiss before getting up. "Come down when you're ready!" I said, leaving the room to go downstairs.

I smiled to myself. The only thought running through my head was

Wow Chanel, how fucked up you are.


SPOILER ALERT: Okay so, don't get mad at me for turning Chanel bisexual. I did it to help the story. If Chanel turns bisexual and gets attached to Jessica, it would make it all the more harder for Justin. But Justin is determined. I have faith in him.

By the way, sorry it's short...again. But I try to make my short chapters as dramatic as possible to fill you in more. I'll probably post to Insanity and Take Care tomorrow!




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