☆The Visit☆

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☆one month later☆

"oyal"rj said to his sister as she laid in her crib kicking her little feet wild as she smiled at him sticking her tongue out.

Rj smiled at her grabbing her pacifier giving it back to her as she spit it out and giggled back at him.

Skylar stayed in the background snapping pictures to send to raydon. Its been almost four months since raydons indictment and a month since their daughters arrival and skylar felt more alone then ever.

" alright mommies babies lets get dress so we can go visit daddy" i spoke in a cute lil baby voice.

I grabbed rj's hand and went on his side of the room and stripped him and changed him out of his pajamas and pull his undershirt and his sweatsuit on him. Being that royal was already dressed as herself rj was the only one who wasnt being that he played to damn much.

It was a struggle getting both children inside the car the only good thing was that rj was helpful and wanted to be a big boy.

After strapping both children inside their seats and climbing in the car herself she drove off towards the prison a place she didnt want to never bring her children.

But this was the first time he was gonna see royal and i wanted to do this for him but he asked to see her and i knew he was bothered by it because when i came to see him the other day he looked so depressed he held bags in his green eyes.

He told me he missed his children he missed me and he hated not seeing us everyday. He hated missing royals birth.

The fact that nicole was still sticking to her story and the judge who i believe was paid off was trying to bury my husband and I promised myself that shit just wont happen.


I stood lined up waiting for the head count he was nervous this was like rj all over again he missed out and now he was paying for it.

"Williams lets go" one of the correction officers spoke as i walked out the line and followed down the hall.

The only perk of skylar being a lawyer was we got a private room, the c.o opened the room door and uncuffed me but chained my feet together.

Once they left the door opened revealing my son first who eyes litt up once he seen me.

" daddy" rj screamed as she ran with his small legs snd jumped on me i hugged him so close in tight i felt my eyes tear up i missed so much this shit wasnt fair man.

" hey daddy" skylar said to me making me look her way and smile. The smile i sent her wasn't the most welcome im sure it was sad and she can easy read thru my emotions.

"its gonna be alright baby you will be home before you no it" she tried to reassure me but thats just how im feeling.

I was lost in thought until a small whimper snapped me back to reality and then i heard a gurggle.

I looked up and watched skylar as she spoke to the baby " can i hold her" i asked as skylar stood up and passed her to me and i looked down at my baby girl.

My voice was caught in my throat she was gorgeous head full of curly hair her bright green eyes mirrored mines and rj's.

" oh wow" i mumbled as i stared at her as she looked back at with a toothless smile.

" daddies littlegirl" i spoke as she giggled like she knew what i was saying making me smile.

" daddy" rj spoke as i looked over at him as he played with his legos. " daddy" rj said again whimpering and it broke my heart.

" wassup little man" i asked rj only knew a few words so he couldnt speak much.

" he wants you home raydon we all do" skylar whispered making me realize just how much my family needed me and how much i missed out on.

" the fuck you want me to do sky shit dont you think i wanna be home with my family I hate this shit" i told her as she wiped her eyes.

" ima fix it ray" she said determine and i knew she would she didnt like to be beat she didnt like losing.

" sky just stay ya ass home and raise my kids thats all you need to be doing iight?" I demanded as she nodded her head not looking at me.

" sky fucking look at me" i whispered-yelled as her head snapped up and her eyes was glossy.

"I cant fucking do that i refuse do fucking do that not my fucking husband you gotta be kidding me you can be mad all you want but im gonna fucking fix this if that's the last thing i do" she said as she zipped up her coat and i knew she was getting ready to leave sky was hurt.

" i love you skylar williams more then you ever know" i told her as she came to fix the kids coats.

She looked at me and i placed a hard kiss on her lips biting it softly " i love you to babe" she mumbled grabbing the kids.

" sky" i said as she was getting ready to walk out the door which made her stop short.

"Be safe babygirl" i told her as she nodded " say bye bye to daddy rj" she told him as he looked at me waving his little hand teary eyed.

" bye bye daddy" rj said as the door closed...

THE KINGPINS LAWYER ((Editing))Where stories live. Discover now