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About last night hmm how can I explain that nothing happened after smart ass said those words to me I didn't wanna play no more he reads me like a book. The only thing about Raydon I hate is because I never can read him and I never know when he is just playing or if he's serious..

Don't get me wrong I was tempted to pull them down and show him how wet I was trust me but it seem like god had other plans because his phone rung and from the overheard convo it sounded important so he left but not without kissing me on the corner of my mouth that sent a chill down my spine.

Once he left I just showered and went to bed.

But that was days ago and I haven't heard from him and I'm worried but I can't reach out to him without making my intentions clear to him and we don't want that to happen.

I heard he owed a club called bed and that he was always their on Friday nights.. ill called up my friend Kim who was a judge and asked her do she wanna step out.

"Ring ring"

Kim: "hello"

Sky: "what you doing tonight"

Kim:" nothing at all bored bitch wassup"

Sky:"wanna go check out club beds"

Kim:"uh oh I no who owns that club but sure pick me up at 10"

We spoke a little more before we hung up the only thing about Kim is that she actually dealt with drug dealers and shit like that she didn't care. Kim was your all around hood chick she just got lucky and decided to do something with her self.

She loved Kim because Kim understood why she couldn't mess with Raydon shit Kim understood very well she knew Darren had something to do with it also. And she felt bad for her Friend who she looked at as a sister.

Kim also knew that sky was falling for Raydon and she knew she didn't mean for it to happen but she happen to be the judge on a case once and she felt and seen the sexual attraction between the two, Kim also new sooner or later those feelings her friend are suppressing would irrupt


After work I rushed to fifth ave to find me something to wear for the night I didn't want to try to hard, but I also knew I had to keep up with the young bitches out here. I mean I wasn't old but shit I wasn't the prettiest or had a bad ass body.

Walking into Bloomingdales and after searching I seen a black leather shirt and these black high waist shorts I found my size and brought both.

I reached home and begin to prep myself I started with my hair that I curled up and pined them and running a hot bath. And begin to soak and shave.

After I just laid around and relaxed see Raydon doesn't know I no about the club I mean I had to do a back ground check on him maybe he do know he never said anything about it.

Hoping for a good night she closed her eyes for a quick nap..


Its been days since that night and I'm sure if my phone didn't ring she would've took those leggings off you could see her fighting to pull them down or keep them on. I'm sure that's because I play with her all day so she wasn't sure if I was serious.

Then this stupid nigga Mel called me because he got into some shit with his ex girlfriend baby father I no stupid shit for a stupid nigga. So long story short she lives in Brooklyn and her baby father and Mel got beef over her monkey ass.

THE KINGPINS LAWYER ((Editing))Where stories live. Discover now