☆kingpin 33☆

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After changing my number at Sprint we headed home she was distant more then usual.. i knew i had to fix shit cause im a firm believer of going to sleep happy and not fighting.

"yo sky you cooking" i called out to her as she snorted walking down the Hall towards the bedroom.

" ask yo bitch to come cook for you" she yelled back leaving me and rj to fin for ourselves.

" i guess its just you and me little man" i said pulling him out his stroller carrying him to the kitchen i sat him in his high chair and walked to the fridge opening it.

" well little man all daddy no how to make is curry chicken and white rice what chu think" i asked rj who smiled slamming his hand on his table top.

I washed my hands and got to work even thou she was mad at men I was gonna make enough so she could feed my babygirl.

By the time i finished it was 6:30pm i made rj a little bowl and gave it to him and i fixed her a nice plate brining it to her and i found her in our bed watching bring it on the t.v

" here ma" i said as she ignored me focusing on the t.v. i sat the plate down on the bed and walked out the room she be on some other shit.

I went back into the kitchen and took rj out his chair and carried him into his room into his bathroom and took off all his clothes and pamper and sat him in a nice bubble bath.

I didnt mind doing this part cause i missed so much and i missed him. Ima do the same whenever babygirl get here also.

I dried him off getting him ready for bed as he yawned i laid him in his crib and turned on disney jr and turned off his light.

I picked up the phone pressing mel number in.

Mel:" yo"
Don":come pick me up i need you to go take a run with me"
Mel:" im on my way" then he hung up.

I walked into the room watching her eat her food i walked past her and went into the closet and went into my safe pulling out a stack of hundreds in grabbed my 9mm and closed the safe walking out to find her waiting for me with her arms crossed

" what ma" i asked fed up.

" where are you going" she asked me

" oh now you wanna no im going to see my bitch remember i called her so she could feed me" i said throwing what she said back in her face.

" FUCK YOU AND THAT BITCH RAYDON" she screamed at me with tears in her eyes as i shook my head and walked out the room.


" see sky thats where you wrong this my house my name is on the deed your acting like a little ass girl right now where my bonnie at? where my grown woman at you mad at me over some irrelevant ass hoe that just sucked my dick a few times im with you i ran up in you raw your the mother of my children the one i wanna be with but the way how you acting right now this brand new shit im not with it so if you want me gone fuck it its whatever" i said shaking my head looking one more time into her teary eyes and i grabbed my keys and walked out.

I got into mel car and we drove off.... the way how im feeling i might not come back.



Have you ever had you and your man go from lovers into enimies more like roommates in a matter of minutes. He came home but he didnt speak to me if it wasn't about rj or the baby.

THE KINGPINS LAWYER ((Editing))Where stories live. Discover now