Chapter 3

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^ Because she wanted me to upload this so much.

Gosh darn it! I dreamt about him again. Why is he still there? I have so many things to do but he still shows up in my dreams. In this dream he did something but it was sentimental.

Its a bright day and everybody is outside the school for some reason. I'm there and so is my best friend. She is one of the few that is female since everybody else went on vacation. So there were people there but not a huge crowd. I see him looking at me so I smile and wave. Suddenly three girls came up to him and started talking to him, "Look Eliabeth! Those girls are flirting with Mark again! Go get him!" Sarah said.

"Shut up Sarah! They are not flirting with him and even if they were then why would I care. We aren't dating," I said. "You know you love him," Sarah said. Then a guy came up to Mark and gave him something before he disappeared. Then he disappeared too, to the dismay of the girls who were talking to him.

"Elizabeth! He disappeared,"said Sarah. "Who," I asked. "Mark! Who else!?!?" said Sarah. "Harry Potter," I exclaimed. Sarah laughed before Ana started talking to her about something uninteresting so I tuned out. I looked around and saw the boys in a cluster looking at something but I couldn't tell what. The girls had moved on to another boy and were gathering around him. Everybody else was in their own cluster.

That's when I saw him.

He was pushing through the boys who broke apart and was looking right at me. It was the look that seemed to make my heart do backflips in my chest. He made a beeline toward me, grabbed my hand and was pulling me away before I could realize what was happening. He dragged me to the side of the school, to the spot that we began talking to each other while everyone played on the slide or chased down a boy. He let go under the tree that was there and sat down. I sat down next to him.

"So how are you, I asked. This is how I usually started our conversations. "Fine," he said. "Anything interesting happen today," I asked. "Nothing really, until now," he said. "W-What do you mean," I stammered. Curse my becoming flustered!

"Well can you keep a secret?"

"Of course"

"I like this girl and I am not sure whether she likes me back."

"Ok and?"

"Today I decided to tell her and give her something"

"That's nice. Who is she?"

"I'm not telling you."

"What! Why not," I excaimed. He tells me that he likes someone and he won't tell me who! How dare he!

"Can I guess," I asked.

"Go ahead"



"Ana! Wait, she's with Tony......Meli!"

"No and No"

"Jessica! Ledye! Any other girl in your class!"

"No. No. No."

"Darn it! Girls in 314!"


"Girls in 308."

"No. You're either you're really bad at guessing or you don't want to name every girl."

"I don't want to name every girl. That only leaves my class...hmmm.......Karla!"

"Sigh. No."

"Any girl that is in the group over there," I pointed to a group of girls that had every girl I didn't name from my class.


I did the math in my head. Ok so he said no to every girl in the school from our grade but he hasn't said anything about me. Maybe I should ask abo- What was that!?!? Little did I know that he had been moving over and getting closer to me until I could feel his hand on mine and his breath against my neck. He slipped a ring on my finger next to my class ring but I took it and put it past the ring and closer to the base of my finger.

"Any other guess," he asked, his breath fanning my neck. He turned my head so I could look at him and he had a look in his eyes that I couldn't explain. "The ring is a lapis lazuli, you know what that is right?" I nodded my head. A lapis lazuli is a beautiful blue stone that means friendship and truth. I wanted  to be proposed to with the stone on the ring but I never expected to get it now.

He moved so that I was facing him and so he could look at me face to face. My heart was beating so fast that I thought that it would burst out of my chest. He began to close his eyes and lean forward. I felt like I was going to die from lack of a heart if mine decided to burst.

Then his lips presses against mine. My eyes widened until they closed and I kissed him back, placing my arms around his shoulders. Something wet went across my lower lip, which I assumed was his tongue so I opened my mouth slightly to give him access to my mouth. We both moaned at the sensation. We broke apart for lack of air and I asked him, "Me," and he nodded. Then I heard my phone ring with the only ringtone it could be. Sarah was looking for me and I woke up because my phone was actually ringing but it was my mom, calling me to ask for help with the groceries.

I don't know why I dreamt that but I would be better off calling it a dream.

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