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Chapter One • Arrival

"Somebody help me!" I cried, my voice bouncing off the dull, metal walls.

Where was I?

Fear took over me, I was in some closed in space with strange cage-like walls; it was moving but I didn't know where I was going. The sounds were horrifying like nails on a chalkboard even with my hands fully covering my ears the sound still peirced through me blocking out every thought that could be useful in this situation.

What am I doing in here?

"Please! Get me out of here!" My vision became blurry from the tears welling up in my eyes and my hands, bruised from banging on the walls. My heart seemed to be beating out of my chest and my breathing was rapid.

There was a wall ahead but this box wasn't showing any sign of stopping anytime soon.

Was this it? Am I going to die here, now?

I shut my eyes in fear of smashing against the wall, but I came to a stop, it was sudden and unexpected causing my body to be thrown onto the floor. "Agh," my head was throbbing.

Faint voices came from outside the box and light streamed into the small space as soon as the heavy looking and extremely loud doors were opened..

My breath hitched in my throat, I heard a lot of different voices most of them seeming to be boys, were there no girls?

"Who is it?"

"Who's in there?"

"Let me have a look!"

"Let me see!"

I stayed still and to my surprise I could see something other than the blinding light. There was an outline of some person and his voice was different, I couldn't put my tongue on what it was... I couldn't remember, an accent?

He had dirty blonde, messy looking hair but that was all I could really make out, he kneeled down and stared, he had a confused look on his face, why was that?

"It's another bloody girl!" He shouted before my vision became blurred and everything went dark.

Authors Note
This chapter was kinda rushed but it's just the introduction sort of thing I promise it won't be like this the whole time, but who's excited for this, I'm definitely excited to write this for you guys! :)

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