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Chapter Two • Welcome to the Glade.

"Get them out of there as soon as you can, we can't let her keep killing them off like this." I spoke my hands placed on his shoulders.

"I'll do whatever it takes, these people are my friends and I don't want to keep letting things like this happen to them. " He spoke keeping his voice low so that no one else would hear us.

"Please be careful, don't get killed out there," my voice faltered, and I pulled him in for a hug, "goodbye."

"Get yourself out of here the first chance you get, do that for me please.."

"I'll try."

"Goodbye." He spoke quietly and squeezed my hand assuring me it'd be okay; than he was gone.


"Why would they send another one; the note said teresa was the last." I heard an unfamiliar voice say faintly.

I could barely hear them, my eyes didn't want to open either.

"I don't trust her." It sounded like the same person from earlier.

My eyes were heavy, I was exhausted.


"You were the last one seen with him damn it, stop lying!" the woman with blonde rather dead looking hair screeched.

I stayed quiet.

"You two were together before he left, tell me what the hell you guys were talking about." She said.

Her face was too close for comfort, I wanted to push her away but my hands were tied down as well as my feet.. I only struggled.

She chuckled, "not so tough now are you, stupid girl," I'll admit that this is a bit intimidating but I wouldn't give in, "now tell me what you two were talking about."

"Now why would I tell you anything.. you bitch." I spoke before the back of her hand hit my cheek.


I jolted awake, my whole body shooting up and a sharp pain ran through my back.

"Fuck!" I let out my hands grabbing the sides of the bed so that I could keep my body still.

Two other guys rushed in almost immediately.

"Calm down there greenie, least you're finally awake." He was the guy from earlier I could tell from his accent, he was the one that took me out of the thing I came here in.

I nodded slowly, "where am I?" I was inside some sort of tent, the sides were a slight beige color and they seemed to be moving a bit from the wind.

"You're in the Glade." He chuckled, kneeling down next to me in some position with one knee on the ground, the other straight out with his elbow placed on it and a smirk on his face.

"The wha-" I started, "Do you remember anything?" Someone asked interrupting me and the first thing I noticed were his extremely... different eyebrows.

"N-no." I wanted to move but it almost seemed impossible.

"Your name? Where you were before this? Who sent you?" He questioned in a frustrated tone. "No i'm sorry, I don't remember anything." I tried to keep calm but I couldn't even remember my own name. I looked around frantically; who were these people anyways and what the hell is the Glade.

The blonde one shot a worried glance at the guy with the strange eyebrows.

"Okay sorry I didn't mean to worry you; I'm Gally." He muttered, introducing  himself quickly and than simply walking out.

I scrunched my eyebrows together in confusion, what the hell was that?

"He's got quite a temper don't mind him; names Newt by the way." Newt answered on que almost as if he read my mind; he stretched his hand out in my direction and I took it hesitantly.

I remembered this guy, well Newt, didn't trust me; though if I were him in this situation I probably wouldn't either. Was a random person showing up in some box thing considered normal around here? Maybe.

He pulled me up off the bed but I collapsed onto the ground as soon as my feet hit the floor, my legs hurt like hell.

"Woah, what happened there?" Newt immediately got down on my level placing his hand over my forehead, "you've got a temperature, it seems pretty bad."

I shrugged, "My legs just really hurt."

"Here, try putting your arm around my shoulder we could take you to the other room and have a med-jack check it out." He tugged on my upper arm and I winced at the contact but tried my best to do as I was told, I got the general idea of what he meant.

We both stood up slowly but the excruciating pain took over and I fell to the ground again letting out a small groan.

"Bloody hell," he spoke running both his hands through his hair, "okay wait here, I'll go get help."

Authors Note
Guys, keep in mind that she's only just arrived at the glade so she hasn't caught on to the slang yet, thank youu! :)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2015 ⏰

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