This and That

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A/N: All characters belong to Rick Riordan. This story will mostly be in Annabeth's pov. Please like and comment on this story and check out my other Percy Jackson stories as well! Thank you :)


Percy Jackson this and Percy Jackson that...that's all I heard walking along the halls of Goode. I was the new student, the classic outsider that had all rumors inflicted upon. I could hear girls whispering about this Percy kid as I walked down the hall trying to find my locker.
"I bet you I can get him to notice my new shirt." One girl says to her friends. I look at her shirt and roll my eyes. If he's like the player boy I'm starting to think he is then he'll notice your lack of shirt darling I think to myself. I look at the piece of paper the lady had given me at reception. It says my locker number and the hall it's in. (I know having more than one hall is confusing right? Especially for the new kid.)
I finally find my locker and unlock it. I place all of my books inside. I grab my schedule and check to see what classes I have.
Social studies
The last school I had gone to had way less periods but oh well...I guess it's not too bad. I grab the books I need and place them in my bag. I close my locker and sling the bag over my shoulders. I sigh and walk off to try and find my homeroom.
"Hey! My name's Thalia, you must be new here." I hear a girl say from beside me. I turn.
"Hey, I'm Annabeth and yes I am new here." I smile.
The girl, Thalia, is a bit shorter than me, with stunning blue eyes and dark streaky hair.
"Do you have your schedule with you?" She asks, walking along side me.
"Yeah." I say, getting it out of my bag and handing it to her.
"I've got math science and social studies with you." She says.
"That's cool." Yeah I suck at socializing.
"I can show you to your homeroom if you'd like." She says.
"That would be amazing, thank you. There are so many halls through here."
She laughs.
"Yeah I know it's quite confusing to start off with but you'll get it."
I follow Thalia through the halls until we get to a room which she stops outside of.
"Tada!" She says,
"Here's your homeroom. To get to English you just take a left up there and then a right and it's the second door on the left." She says, gesturing all the turning with her hand.
"Thank you." I say, entering the room and looking around.
The teacher looks over at me, rolls his eyes and goes back to his book. He leans back in his chair, his feet up on his desk. I look around awkwardly, no idea how to react. He probably thinks that I'm a reckless teen who gets expelled in their first week of school. Okay so maybe I did get expelled from my last school when I was only there a month but I had a reason. As I said earlier, I'm bad at socializing...meaning I got stuck around the wrong crowd. With a boy named Luke. But that was ages ago. I'm determined to stay away from guys like that.
"Don't take it to heart, Mr D hates all the students." Some guy says to me, before addressing the teacher.
"Ain't that right Mr D?"
He grunts in reply.
The boy looks back at me, smiling. His hair is dark and messy. His eyes shine a bright blue...but then they change to a green. I become mesmerized by the way they seem to change colours in the waves on the beach...the colours of the ocean.
"What's your name?" He grabs a chair and puts it in front of him, the back of it facing me. He sits on it the wrong way, so his arms are on the back of it, his feet out carelessly.
"Annabeth....?" He prompts.
"Chase. Annabeth Chase."
He holds out a hand and I let him shake my hand.
"Well Miss Chase, Miss Annabeth Chase, I'm Bond. James Bond."
I raise an eyebrow and roll my eyes. The boy's grin grows.
"You are the first girl who hasn't laughed at my jokes. Even though half the time the girl never understands my references...." He says, looking me up and down. I suddenly feel judged and self-conscious. I'm only wearing simple shorts and a grey jumper over my white shirt. There's nothing special about the way I dress or even about my messy ponytail, so now I feel a heat coming to my cheeks.
"You know.." He starts, realizing how uncomfortable I am,
"I have a reputation here at Goode. Everyone laughs at my jokes and, Miss Chase, I can't have some new girl come here and not laugh at my amazing sense of humour on her first day! I promise that by the end of the day, I will be able to get you to laugh!"
He releases my hand and stands up just as the bell rings. He grabs his books and holds them carelessly at his side.
"Till I hear you laugh, Miss Chase." He smiles, beginning to walk out the door.
"You still haven't told me your name." I say. He stops in the doorway, people struggle to squeeze past him.
"Jackson. Percy Jackson." He winks at me before leaving the homeroom. My heart flutters. THE Percy Jackson just winked at me. I smile to myself. Maybe he isn't just one of those player-types. I shake the thought from my mind. No Annabeth! I tell myself. You didn't come to this school for relationships. You came to learn. You came to get the approval of your parents. You can't stuff this up just because some guy winks at you!
And yet....

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