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Detention sucked. Thank goodness I had a free period so I could have the detention then instead of at lunch. I mean sure, punish a kid by making them do work and write out lines but what did the poor child do to miss out on lunch? Even if it's really bad food. I collect my stuff and walk into the cafeteria. I stand awkwardly to the side of the entrance to look around. To my left the food is being served and to my right and in front me are the tables. I search them for someone I can recognize. I can't see Thalia or Percy. I sigh and walk towards my left.
"Figures." I whisper.
I grab one of the trays and line-up. The line moves considerably fast and in about three minutes it's my turn to be served. The lady gives me a plate with some kind of sandwich, a bowl with brown slop that seems to be breathing and a bottled water.
I sigh. At least the water looks alright. I smirk to myself, probably because its store bought. I walk out of the way of others and look around the room again. I have no luck in finding an empty table so I'll just have to find a free seat next to someone who doesn't look intimidating. I squeeze around people and in between chairs that have been pushed right out. I look to my right and see four empty seats at a table. I walk towards the table and see the five people sitting there.
"Excuse this seat taken?" I ask one of the girls. She has olive skin with choppy but beautiful brown hair. I notice the couple of feathers braided into her hair. She turns to me, looks me up and down and smiles.
"You can sit there, no problem." I smile gratefully and place my tray down a seat away from her. She'll probably have a friend or boyfriend that usually sits there or something.
"I don't think I've seen you around here before....are you new?" She asks me as I sit. She leans over the seat in between us to talk to me considering the noise echoing around the cafeteria.
"Yeah it's my first day."
She nods and holds out her hand.
"I'm Piper."
"Annabeth." I take her hand and shake it twice. She leans on the table and begins gesturing to the people around the table.
"This is Calypso, Leo, Frank and Hazel. Hazel and Frank are younger than me but they're still pretty cool." She ruffles the boy called Frank's hair. He smiles awkwardly as he flattens it down. For some weird reason he reminds me of a panda.
"What grade are you?" Calypso asks.
"11th. I'm turning 16 soon."
"Oh cool you're our age." Calypso says.
I nod and stay silent, staring at the unappealing food.
"The others will be here soon." Piper says, opening her school bag and bringing out a salad. I look at it and feel strange. Something is wrong with me. Even salad looks more appealing than this....slop.
"Word of advice, pack your own lunch." Piper says, noticing my expression.
"Or just chug it down and feel it stick to the sides of your stomach for the next month and a half. Trust me if you think it's bad on the way don't even want to know what the way out is like." I cringe at the thought and look behind me to see Percy.
"Are you speaking metaphorically or from personal experience?" I ask him. He stands behind me as he answers.
"Oh how I wish it was metaphorical. 3 hours straight on a toilet changes gives you a new perspective on life." He says.
"In what way? You now realise that air freshener is there for a reason?" I ask sarcastically.
" makes you realise how smart your mother really is when she says to fill up the bathroom with toilet paper and how dumb and innocent I was when I thought I didn't need that much toilet paper."
I smirk at him, imaging his face as he peeled off the last sheet of paper from the roll.
"And what was your solution to running out of toilet paper? Did you go commando and streak across the room to get more?"
"Nope. I reenacted a scene from Bear Grylls. Oh the lies TV programmes show." Percy says dramatically.
I roll my eyes and he sits down in the chair next to me. He ruffles my hair,
"So, non-rebel, how was your detention?"
I push away his hand and half-heartedly attempt to fix my hair.
"Like all detentions. The whole time I was thinking about food....and now I'm stuck with this slop." I gesture to the cafeteria food. (Food being used as a loose term....very loose term.)
"It's gross right? I am yet to find good cafeteria slop." Percy opens his black bag and pulls out a paper bag.
"You can have some of mine if you want."
I hear a gasp from the others. I look around the table and see the shock evident on their faces.
"Oh come on guys I'm not that protective of my food!" Says Percy.
"Dude I remember in grade 7 when you beat up that kid because he was eyeing off your sandwich. You are incredibly overprotective of your food." I look over to see a tall boy with blonde hair speaking. He nods at me and sits in the chair next to Piper.
"I'm Jason."
Piper looks between me and Percy with a confused look on her face. Her expression relaxes suddenly as if she's decided something.
"Dam Annie, it's your first day and you've already gotten a detention, gotten Percy two detentions and Percy likes you so much he's giving you some of his food." I look over to see Thalia sitting in the only empty chair left.
"I reckon you're a keeper." She winks at Percy before busying herself with her bag and starting a conversation with Leo and Calypso. I look down and start to feel claustrophobic. I focus on keeping my breathing steady just like my therapist had told me to.
I shake my head to try to clear it, to stop the continuous resounding word but it doesn't stop. I keep hearing the nickname "Annie" but it's no longer in Thalia's voice.
It's in Luke's.

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