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My eyes burn and do not focus. They blur and are distorted by tears. But even through this, I can make out Percy's figure.
"Annabeth?" He asks carefully. I almost  give in to the urge to laugh maniacally. Everyone just has to be bloody careful around me don't they!!

Even though no one is standing as close anymore, all eyes are still on me. I look up when I hear footsteps. One of the teachers looks down at me. They are about to say something but hesitate. Their gaze drops to my trembling hands. I scoff when I see them stare at my wrists. They look like a battlefield. But I don't try to hide them. There's no point anymore. It might as well be branded across my forehead that I'm a ticking time-bomb, about to explode or better yet, a tight rope walker walking alone and in the dark. One small misplaced step and I fall. But that doesn't scare me. Ive already fallen before.

"Annabeth?" Percy repeats, a little more confident this time.
I move my head back around and look at him. His blue-green eyes stare at me. But...there's no fear or caution in his actions anymore. As if he has decided that I'm not going to explode again, or that he isn't afraid if I do. I cock my head to the side questingly.
"Are you okay?" He asks.
"Yeah. I'm fine." I choke.
Really Annabeth!? You can't even get a sentence out. How pathetic. I hear Luke say in my head.
I blink away any indications that something else is wrong and shift around.
That's when I notice that Percy is still holding my hands. He seems to notice as well but he doesn't let go. Instead he stands up and helps me up with him. He holds me steady. My head hurts and the voices start again but I tell them to shut up. Percy let's go of my hands but he doesn't move away from me, as if he thinks I'm going to fall again.

I'm not so incompetent that I can't even walk. I think to myself.

I take two steps before my legs decide they don't want to be legs any more but rather skilled acrobats, you know the ones that do tumbles and flips?
Percy catches me under my arms and rights me. I blush furiously. If I didn't just make enough of a fool of myself, I just had to fall. Percy puts his arm over my shoulders, bearing most of my weight.
"Your hands are shaking furiously." He whispers to me.
I look at them and sigh. I guess I'm going to have to take the pills. I'll never be able to write or do anything in this condition.
"I need to get to my locker." I say, trying to hide from everyone, using Percy as the barrier. I mean, it is efficient considering he's taller than me by about 5cm.
"Okay, I'll help you." Percy helps me gather my stuff, before he grabs his own. He resumes his position from earlier, his arm around my shoulders. I thank him quietly as we leave the cafeteria. Only once we are out of sight do conversations start again.

But I suspect they are all about the freak new girl being helped by the Percy Jackson.

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