My story part 3

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I didn't start up for a year till the tenth grade I broke up with my bf  named Ian for someone else named Cristian after the guy broke up with me so feeling bad for breaking up with my first bf who treated me right so I started cutting again I don't remember with what but I started up again this time I was addicted to it But I went out with this guy who smoked weed named josh I didn't smoke at the time but he did mom told me she doesn't like him I didn't lesion he broke up with me I went back with Cristian he ended up breaking up with me again I kept having a bf every year I was known as the girl from spacial Ed who always has a bf or gf or both at the same time after him I dated a nice guy named garret but his mom didn't like me cause all the black I ware and I was two year older then him this guy cutted to only for a little bit but we broke up cause of his mom then I went back with josh  again.

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