My story part 6

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In 12th grade those thoughts have stopped but I was still cutting back and forth I ended up going back to ally for a bit Idr who broke up with who that time but I made a new friend I think I meant her in 12th grade but I ended up dating her for a while her name is Zion aka tibby she likes to be called tibby I found out that she cuts she's friends with ally later I found out they dated each other before me I told her lied a lil bit said I only cut when stress get to bad once in a great while she was in dance like me I fell so deeply for her a few mouths later we broke up through the four years of high school I had four friends that stuck with me trough it all Brittany is one of them they thought I stopped cutting tho I had only three friends that knew I still had I still cut the ones I promised I'd tell them if I did it I went through a lot in high school it was hell.

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