Stand By You -Chapter Two-

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Chapter 2. 

-Olivia's P.O.V-

There was a large group of people huddled over to one side of the street. Thinking that that was  my only option to hide from the man I love,d I pushed into the group. Standing awkwardly as I soon discovered they were on a tour for the sites of the city.

I glanced around nervously hoping with all my heart that I wouldn't be noticed. I looked up only to see Harry staring down at me from our apartment window. It was only 2 stories up so, I could still see in. His gaze was piercing, concerned-confused, his eyes flicked away from me for a moment, but in that moment I saw the sight I had wanted so desperately to see but also not to see. 

A strong arm wrapped itself around my waist, and I froze. My eyes shot down to the hand, bile forming in my throat when I saw the yellow tinge and dirt covering it. Shit. I panicked, my eyes darting around for help.  

 "Stop moving, I need you to corporate, for me okay?." The guys rough harsh voice whispered into my ear. I tried moving, wriggling around trying to free myself from his grasp. I noticed a few people giving us bemused looks and staring...why on earth weren't they helping. This guy is holding me against my will and they weren't doing anything.

 "I need to get out of here, and you are going to help me. Smile and get me to a taxi okay?" Again his whisper sent chills down my spine, a sharp sting appeared at my right side, my gaze drifted down to the knife he was pointing into my side. I visibly paled. I looked up and saw a pair of wide green eyes staring right at me. Louis. I mouthed his name before I was pulled back. The guy started pushing me and I staggard forward almost loosing my footing. The guys grip on me tightened again, and the knife dug harder into my skin. I winced. 

-Louis' P.O.V-

I could see the anguish in her eyes. The pain she'd suffered because of that article. She looked so small, so fragile and this guys filthy hands were around her. I felt so possessive, this was my life he hand in his hands. I know that I'd probably splintered her heart and shattered it into a thousand pieces, but even if she couldn't or wouldn't love me I still needed to make sure that she was safe. I loved her with all my heart, and to know that she could be hurt or injured makes my body ache. I need her to be alright. She's my morning sun, my evening moon, my hot summer days, my cold winter nights. Wherever, whenever I will always love her. 

My handsreached out in front of me deseperately wanting to reach her. I watched as she mouthed my name and was pulled back into the depths of the group. I moved forward trying to push through the crowd to get her. I watched as he pushed her petite frame forward, causing her to almost lose her footing and crash to the concrete.  

It all happened so suddenly. Sirens were blarring out all around us. I saw as the guys eyes widened in alarm and he pushed Olivia further into the crowds. I quickened my pace to get to her. Police officers were soon stepping onto the street, searching for the culprit that I suspected was holding the love of my life. 

"YOU! PUT YOUR HANDS IN THE AIR AND STEP AWAY FROM THE GIRL!" I heard a strong, authoritive voice scream out. I pushed further into the swarms of people who wanted to watch as a fudgitive was arrested. My heart stopped when I saw the shine of the knife being held against the creamy skin of Olivia's neck. 

"ALL OF YOU STEP BACK! STAY AWAY AND THE GIRL WON'T GET HURT! STAY AWAY!" The anger and spite in the guys voice sent shivers throughout my body. I concentrated on keeping my eyes on Olivia. I saw the tears threatening to release shining in her beautiful blue eyes. Her unruly blonde hair falling out of the band she had tying it all together.

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