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You felt round, feeling soft things and hard things Then, you touched something crispy and dry. You took hold of it softly, and brought it out.

"A leaf?"

"A maple leaf." You looked to the man who had said that. He smiled at you, and took you into his arms, holding you comfortably against him, smoothing your hair down. You liked the feeling, and snuggled into him, your eyes slowly sliding shut.

"Ohonhon, look at mon fils! 'E iz going to be a great papa!"

"Hopefully better than his father."

"I 'eard zhat!"

"Shh! She's fallen asleep!"

"Amazing vith your loud voice..."


You heard that come from right above you, and gave a small smile.

"I zhink ve shall end zhe meeting."

"Dude, does this make me an uncle now?!"

"I-I guess s-so."

"Mon dieu, I am a grand-père."

"Haha, feeling old now frog?"

"Still younger zhan you."

"HEY!" Your eyes shot open at England's yell.

"Look, you 'ave awoken ma petite-fille!" France whacked England round the head.

Your daddy sighed, hoisting you up into his arms more securely.

"Daddy. Is he really my grandpa?" you asked.

"Yes, he is." Canada sighed. "He is your papi."

"Papi..." you slowly tried the word out, the language foreign on your tongue. As you said the word, France, who had been strangling England, dropped him and smiled at you.

"I like zhat." He said softly.

You nodded, before looking up into your father's violet eyes.

"S-So, what is your name?" he asked.

"Girl." You responded.

"R-Really?!" He was shocked. You nodded.

"I-I can't let you be called that." He muttered softly. "How about, m-maybe, [name]?"

You thought for a moment. "Yeah!"

He smiled at you and hugged you even closer, yet still being gentle as to not awaken any bruises.

"Who are you?" you looked down to see a polar bear by his foot. You stared in amazement - why was there a Polar Bear here?!?!

"That is K...Ku... Oh, Kumajirou." Canada said.

You continued to look at the bear, before tentatively reaching a hand out and petting it.

"Who are you?" it asked again.

"I'm [name]." you responded simply.

Seeming satisfied, it then turned to Canada. "Who are you?"

"I'm Canada." He sighed.

"Oi dude! Meeting next month is in New York! Remember to bring my niece!" Another man tackled Canada, making him fall and drop you. You landed on your bum fortunately, and merely blinked, looking at the two men.

"You idiot!" Canada snapped, much to the surprise and shock of the American.

"Woah, bro, what's got into you?"

Hetalia x Abused! Child! Reader: Hat GameWhere stories live. Discover now