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Your hand was padding round; before you felt something walk onto your hand... wait, walk?

Quickly pulling your hand out, you saw a yellow bird was sitting there, cheeping, before taking off and landing on your head. It walked round in a circle twice, before finally settling down.

"What on earth..." England began.

"Keesees! It iz mein awesome Gilbird!" You looked to see a man with silvery hair and a pair of crimson orbs, grinning away like he had just won the lottery.

"Mein Gott." The one holding the hat groaned as your new daddy took you into his arms, holding you under the arms and spinning round.

"Hallo Mädchen, I am your new Vati! I shall take you and raise you to be as awesome as me! And more awesome zhan your totally un-awesome Onkle."

"Zhanks Gilbert." Mumbled the Blonde, putting down the hat.

You squealed in delight as he spun you round, Gilbird clinging grimly to your [h/c] hair.

"Well, I feel there is no point in continuing the meeting." England sighed, casting you a concerned look.

"I think we shall end it. Where is it next time?"

"M'ne." grunted a tall blonde.

Your Vati had stopped spinning you round and had pulled you into his chest, holding you tightly.

"Gilbert, loosen your grasp or zhe Mädchen vill be unable to breath." The tall German had walked over, refastening his cross around his neck.
You looked up at him, before turning your head back to your Vati.

"Is he my un-awesome Onkle?" you asked.

Prussia laughed. "Ja meine Tochter. Zhat is your un-awesome Onkle Ludvig."

You looked back at Ludwig. "Why aren't you awesome, Onkle Ludvig?"

Ludwig sighed. "Ask your Vati. And it's Ludvig."

"That's what I said, Ludvig."

"Nein, it's Ludvig!" Gilbert laughed.

"That's what I just said!"



"Bruder, zhat iz not how you teach zhem!" Ludvig sighed. "It's Ludvig, but vith a 'w' instead of a 'v'."

"Oh, so you're Ludwig?"


You then looked back to Gilbert, who laughed at the stern expression on your face. "So why is Onkle Ludwig un-awesome?"

"Because, mein Schatz, he is too strict and stern and a neat freak! Zhat is vhy he is un-awesome!"

"Oh, ok!"

Gilbert chuckled, holding you to him, swaying you gently. "Don't vorry, you vill not be like him! You vill be awesome!"

"No pressure." You muttered.


That night, you awoke, having just suffered from a nightmare, about your old dad. You brought your knees to your chest, rocking backwards and forwards, trying to hold back your sobs.

However, traitorous tears sneaked down your face, and you buried your face into your hands, weeping quietly.

Or not as quietly as you believed.

The door was slammed open, and you gave a scream, darting under your covers.

"Please don't hurt me! Please, I'm so sorry! I'm sorry! Please, I'll be perfect, I won't cry, please!"

Hetalia x Abused! Child! Reader: Hat GameWhere stories live. Discover now