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Your fingers padded round, and touched a multitude of objects. Suddenly, they brushed against something cold, and metallic. You closed your hand round it, and pulled it out.

It was a cross necklace.

"Ohonhon! You have gotten Germany!" the blonde man laughed.

You looked round for the man, until you realised it was the man holding the hat of stuff.

He coughed sort of nervous way, and placed the hat down, before awkwardly taking you into his arms.
"Germany, mon ami. Zhat iz not 'ow you 'old a little girl!" The French sounding one moved forward, and arranged you so you were being held more comfortably in his arms. Your small hands found his shirt, and you clutched it, wrinkling the fabric up in your palms.

"Zhere, she is warming up to you already!"

Germany made a small noise, and looked down at you, with eyes that looked nervous, slightly worried and... what was that last one? You had never seen it before.

"Well, I believe we shall end the meeting there." England shut his briefcase up, and looked round. "I shall see you all next time - where is it?"

"Ohonhon, Angleterre, it iz beind 'eld in my 'ome city, Paris!"

"Drat. Well, goodbye."

With that, the countries all began to move out the door, leaving Germany and you behind.

"Vell... vhat is your name?" he asked.

"Girl." You replied once again.

"Mein Gott... vell, vould you like a new name?"

You looked up, with wonder. "A new name?"

"Ja. Hm... maybe... [name]?"

You thought, and pondered. "Yes. I like that very much."

Nodding, Germany carried you out the building, and reached his car. Strapping you in the back, he got in the front, and set off, heading home.

"M-Mister, What shall I call you?" you asked quietly.

Germany thought for a moment, before responding. "Vati."


Arriving back, Germany had only just got out the car and was picking you up, when you heard a familiar voice.

"Keseesees, vell, if I cannot be her awesome Vati, I can be her awesome Onkle!"

Your Vati sighed, and stood up fully, holding you in his arms. "Verdammt Prussia, you better be careful. Zhat means watching her when you have your friends over, and no giving her beer! Actually, no drinking if she's around!"

Prussia gave his laugh again looked at you. You looked into his eyes, and were intrigued by the unusual shade of red.

"So, you are my Onkle?" you asked.

"Keeseesees, yes Frau." The silvery haired man laughed again.

"I think I am going to call you... Onkle Awesome!"

"I LOVE HER! Prussia bounded over and dragged you from Germany's arms, hugging you tightly and spinning you round.

"Ohonhon, it appears the petite fleur is settled in already."

"The chica is so cute!"

You looked from where you had your face buried in your Onkle's neck to see two of the men from the meeting.

"Bonjour ma Cherie! We never introduced ourselves! I am France, and this is Spain." The Blonde smiled.

"So... are you two my uncles as well?" you asked.

"Yes! I am your Tío, and he is your Oncle." Spain said.

You nodded. "Ja."


Time passed, and it was like you had always been there. Your Vati taught you how to cook, and you often got in trouble with for playing pranks with your three uncles, although more often than not, it was your uncles who got most of the blame. You attempted to train with him one morning, but found that you got too tired easily, and so took to just sitting on the side, watching him yell at Italy.

Soon, the month had come and gone, and you found yourself on a plane going to France.

"Vati, are you sure it was wise to leave Onkle Gilbert alone in the house?" you asked.

"I am sure. Plus, France and Spain vill be at zhe meeting, so zhere is no risk of him having them round."

"Very well..." you curled up, looking out the window. It had felt like forever since you had been taken in, and yet it was just four weeks. You couldn't believe how much time seemed to have flown past...

"[name]? Ve are here... vake up...."

"Mmmm..." you ignored your father, cuddling closer into his side.

Sometime during the flight, you had turned round and moved into him, and his arm had found it's way round you


"Nein." You muttered.

The plane landed with a small bump, and slowed down. Hearing him a give a defeated sigh, you felt him pick you up, cradling you to him, before walking off the plane.

You felt him get into the taxi, and you opened your eyes.
"Où allez-vous monsieur?" the taxi driver asked

"Pour le bâtiment de la Conférence mondiale s'il vous plait Monsieur." You replied, knowing that your father didn't speak very good French.

"Très bien ma petite chérie. Comme il vous plaira."

The cab set off and Germany looked at you.

"How come you speak very good French?" he asked.

"Oncle France is teaching me French, and Tío Spain is teaching me Spanish. And Onkle Prussia is teaching me German." you responded, looking down at your clasped hands as you sat on his lap.

Soon the car had arrived, and Germany climbed out, holding you tight to him.

"Merci monsieur!" you called.

"Vous êtes le bienvenu mon cher. Au revoir!" He drove off.

"Au revoir!" you called after him.

"Ohonhonhon, is that the sound of ma nièce?"

"Oncle France!" You wiggled from Germany's arms and into your Uncle's, letting the French man hug you tightly.

"Comment avez-vous été amoureux?" he asked, smoothing your hair down.

"J'ai été très bien, mon oncle, qu'en pensez-vous?"

"Mieux vaut maintenant que j'ai vu le visage souriant de ma niece! Est-ce votre père refuse toujours de vous laisser seul avec votre oncle?"

"Oui, et l'oncle Gilbert a voulu me prendre pour le centre commercial de m'acheter une nouvelle robe!"

"Oh non! Je vais devoir vous prendre pour obtenir une robe avec votre oncle alors. Est-ce que son bien?"

"Oh oui! S'il vous plaît Oncle France!"

"Mein gott, I don't understand a word you are saying." Germany rolled his eyes.

"Ohonhon, zhat is because this is a private conversation between me and my petit croissant, mon ami!" France laughed.

"Vell, let us get to the meeting anyvay." Germany snatched you back, holding you against him once more.

He walked in, and entered the room, which was just as noisy and chaotic as you remembered from last time.

"HEY GUYS! [name]'S BACK!"

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