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You felt your hands brush over various objects, cold, warm, hard, soft, squishy - eew, was that slimy? Yuk!

You suddenly touched something thin and cool. Grasping it, you pulled it out to see it was a cross, with what looked like a hairclip on the back.

"Hahaha, that's Norge's!" yelled a man.

A man stepped forward and removed the barrette from your hands, fixing it back into his hair before taking you himself. You peered into his blue eyes, before the odd curl caught your gaze by the side, which looked like it was totally apart from his head.

"Hello young one." He said quietly.

"Hiya." You replied, attempting to mimic the quiet tone.

"Norge, you're a dad now." Another had appeared by your side, with messy silvery-white hair. "Does that make me an uncle?"


"Aww, are you finally gonna call him big brother?!" The man who had yelled before came rushing over, throwing an arm round the other male's shoulder. Scared by the sudden movement, you hid your face in the closet thing - which happened to be your dad's shoulder.

Lukas blinked at the sudden attachment, but gave a small smile anyway, placing a hand on the back of your [h/c] head, before turning to glare at the Dane.

"You idiot, you scared her." He stated calmly.

"Y'u need t' b' m're c'rful D'nm'rk." The towering form of Sweden had come over, Finland close behind. You removed your face from your daddy's shoulder, before looking up at this tall man.

"Sweden, be careful, you might be scaring her." Murmured the man next to him.

"No he's not." You stated simply. "Daddy, who are these men?"

"Your... uncles." Norway sighed as he inwardly cringed at the thought of Denmark being an Uncle.

"I'm an Uncle!" Denmark yelled, making you yelp and hid your face again.

"You won't be for much longer if you keep scaring her." Norway snapped.

Papa! What is taking you so long? The Jerk England tried to get me to talk to him again!" Another boy ran in, in a sailor outfit, with blonde hair. You looked down at the older boy, confused.

"Hey! I'm Sealand! I'm a country and one day I'm gonna be even better than that Jerk England!" he chanted.

"Jerk England?" you repeated quietly. "He didn't seem like a jerk to me..."

"Well, he is! Trust me!"

"D'n't g' c'rrupting h'r impr'ssi'ns 'f pe'ple y't Se'l'nd." Sighed Sweden.

As you all stepped out the door of the meeting hall, you gave another shiver at the cold, your dress feeling like nothing but paper.

A dark blue coat was draped over you, and you looked up at your Uncle Sweden.

"Won't you get cold?" you asked softly - your father had always reminded you often that everyone else was more important that you and that their needs came first.

"N'. I'm us'd t' th' c'ld." He grunted. "Y'u n'd t' st'y w'rm."

You remained quiet, feeling it tucked more securely round you. Norway was gently rubbing your back, and you could feel your eyes drooping. Eventually, they fell shut, and you fell asleep.

When you awoke, you were being greeted by a wave of warm air. You gave a happy sigh at the feeling, huddling even further into your papa.

"We best get her to bed." Said the voice of your Uncle Iceland. "Where is she going to sleep?"

Hetalia x Abused! Child! Reader: Hat GameWhere stories live. Discover now