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×Ariana's pov×

It's Friday!!!!

I get up from my bed and make my way to the bathroom to take a quick shower.

Twenty minutes later I step out and dry myself then wrap a towel around my hair so I can get dressed. Hmm what should I wear today. I thought to myself. I looked over all my clothes in my closet and decided on a black crop top with some black skinny jeans and my black high heels. Yes I'm wearing heels to school.......don't judge me, they make me look taller and cuter.

I unwrap the towel on my head and head back into my bathroom to blow dry my hair. Once I'm done I put it in its usual half up half down style and head over to my vanity where I wasted no time in putting my make up on. I put the basics and went for a natural look, I'm just going to school not some high end event you know what I mean?

Once I'm done I grab my backpack which is a lot heavier than it looks. I seriously need to head to the gym more often...

I grab a hold of my keys that are placed in the tray by the door. Mom's not home since she has to go to work so I head out and make sure to lock the door.

I open the back seat and throw my backpack on the seat then I close it. I situate myself in the car and put the keys into the ignition twisting the key causing me to hear the loud roar of my bb.

I back out of the driveway and make my way towards school. Lordt I'm so glad today is Friday! I get to bring my two best friends home for a sleep over, maybe if I convince them they'll stay the whole weekend since my mom won't be here. Business trip.


I get to school and Selena immediately runs over to me.

"Guess what happened!" She says, boy what is wrong with her, looks like she's seen a ghost.

"You know I hate the guessing game, can't you just tell me?" I tell her and roll my eyes, this bitch. I love her though lol.

"Ok ok fine, so turns out Justin and Hailey got into this huge argument and apparently they broke up" once those words escaped her mouth my eyes nearly popped out of their sockets. No that can't be true, they're like always together and they looked so happy....I wonder what happened.

"And I should care because?" I say gesturing with my hands. She rolls her eyes "because you and I know that you've had a crush on him since forever! This is your chance Ari!!!" She says in an excited tone. I playfully roll my eyes, seriously with all this eye rolling my eyes are going to roll into the back of my head, I need to stop.

"Alright let's get to class before we're late" I say as I drag her to drop her off in her class, once we say our goodbyes I start to walk to my class. I'm so going to be late, ugh fuck it.

I finally reached my classroom and oddly enough I was right on time. Huh I guess today is my lucky day. I make my way to my desk and notice that the only seat available is the one next to Justin. Oh yuppie. The sarcasm is real.

I take a seat and notice Justin looking at me. How fucking awkward is this. Should I say something? But before I can make a decision my lips start moving. "Did you lose something?" Yikes that came out harsher than I intended. I can see Justin tense up a bit, oh fuck "U-um no" he says. Did Justin Bieber just stutter? I feel a little smirk creep up onto my lips. Where is this confidence coming from? I'm on a fucking roll today.

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