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*jason in media* **daddy in media asjdfhsfk**

j a s o n

this morning i woke up late and i wasn't able to pick up ariana. but i texted her and she was ok with it.

we had a long talk yesterday about what had happened.


i was just getting home when my phone started ringing. "hello" i answered and didn't get a response, i looked down at my phone and noticed that it was ariana. "ariana you ok?" i ask thinking that maybe something had happened.

"jason can you please come back, there's something i need to tell you" my heart skipped a beat at the sound of her words. did i do something wrong? did justin do something to her?

"yeah i'm on my way" i hang up and pull back into the streets and over to her house.

a few minutes later i arrive and i walk up to her porch then knock on her door.

the door opens revealing a sad looking ariana, i grab her and hug her "what's wrong?" she lets go of me "come in" i step inside and she shuts the door. we walk up to her room and i sit on her bed while she walks over to the other side and sits.

she pulls her laptop to her lap and opens it "i'm going to show you something, but please promise me you'll let me explain after it's over" i look at her with a confused look. "please jason promise me you won't get mad" she practically begs. "ok i promise" i say and she hands me her laptop.

i click play, my blood immediately starts to boil. i close it and look over at ariana. "jase i swear it was all him, i didn't even kiss him back, i even slapped him after he did, but of course whoever posted the video cut that part out" when she stops she looks at me waiting to see what my reaction will be.

"i'm going to kíll him!"

•end of flashback•

i swear when i see him i'm going to kick his ass.

i get all my things ready and head out to school.

i arrive just in time for second period. when i enter the double doors everyone looks at me, i keep walking and see ariana walking with selena.

"hey jason" an all too familiar and annoying voice says. i turn to my left and see hailey coming my way, from the corner of my eye i could see ariana stop and look over at us.

"did you hear your gf was all over my boyfriend? nice slut you have there" she whispers in my ear and my jaw clenches.

"look who's talking" i say and she scoffs "weren't you the one insinuating that i get with you, while you were with justin?" she rolls her eyes and walks away.

"hey ari" i say when i reach her "hey selena, fredo says hi by the way" she blushes and i chuckle. "hey jase, what was hailey telling you?"

"oh you know just how hot i am, and how lucky you are to have me" she slaps my chest "very funny mccann" i chuckle.

"come on we're gonna be late for second period" she says while pulling me.

we enter the classroom and the first thing i see is justin and hailey going at it. "gross" i hear ariana whisper we both laugh, a little too loud because they pull apart and look at us.

"hey babe" justin says looking at ariana with a wink.

that's it!

i give ariana back her bag and run up to justin "don't ever touch my girl again!" i take him by the collar and pull him up, his feet a few inches off the ground. you could hear all the ooooh's from the people in the classroom. good thing the teacher wasn't here yet.

"we all know she liked it" i let him go and punch him in the face "have some respect for your girl, she's right there and you're over here making flirty faces with my girl" i look over at hailey and she looks like she's about to cry.

"i honestly don't know why you're with him, he's a douchebag" she looks up at me and sighs walking over to justin and helping him up.

"let's sit down babe" ariana grabs onto my arm and i turn around picking up he bag again.

we sit at the very back, i sit in between selena and ariana.

"way to go jason!" selena whisper yells and puts her hand up. we high five and chuckle.

the teacher comes in and everyone stops talking.


it was last period and to be completely honest with you i just wanted to get home. it's been a long day of justin staring at us and making kissy faces at ariana.

i might just have to scare him a bit. smirking i look over at him and his smile disappears.

"jason i know that face, what are you up to?" i look over at ariana and shake my head "nothing ari"

"jason, don't do anything dumb ok?" i nod and take my phone out from my jean pocket.

Fredo👊: gather up the boys, we're going out tonight 😏.

i hit send and look back up to see what the teacher was saying. of course i already knew all of this, i may be a gang member but i'm not stupid, i had hired some private tutors who taught me everything and anything there's was to know, both high school and college level.

"jase how about you come over tonight and have dinner?" ariana says as we walk out of our last class.

"as much as i'd love to babe, it's kind of a boys night tonight" she rolls her eyes and stops walking causing me to bump into her.

"jason" she says sternly, man she's onto me.

"i promise i won't do anything that bad" she grabs onto my arm and pulls me closer to her "can i come with?" her lips forming onto a wide smirk.

"ariana grande" i gasp "where is she and what have you done to her?" she laughs and smacks me on my chest "shut up mccann" she walks away and i watch her as she sways her hips then turns around and winks. i bite my lip and chuckle following behind her.

once we get outside we walk over to my car and i open the door for her to get in. then i jog over to my side and slide in.

i drive down the streets and head to my house.

a few minutes later we arrive and we walk up to the door.

unlocking it i step to the side and let ariana in, shutting the door i see that everyone is seated in the kitchen eating.

"yo jason! we're all set for tonight" one of my boys says and i nod taking ariana's hand and leading her to the kitchen table. i sit and pull her onto my lap.

"hey ari"

"hey fredo" she says smiling "gomez says whats up" she smirks and i see a tint of red on fredo's cheeks.

"alright so what's the plan mccann?"







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⏰ Última atualização: Aug 08, 2016 ⏰

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