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+Ariana's pov+

"Uh yeah I'd love to" I say and he instantly smiles, which causes me to smile also.

"Alright I'll pick you up at 8?" He says and I nod.

<last period>

The time seemed to be going slower than ever, my leg kept bouncing up and down rapidly as anxiety was running through me. Can it be eight o'clock already?

"You ok princess?" I hear Jason whisper, I glanced over and nodded. I had completely forgotten he was here.

The bell rang signaling that class was over, I put all my stuff inside my backpack, not giving a damn if my papers got crumbled up. I zipped up my bag and threw it over my shoulder.

I made my way over to the door, seeing that everyone but Jason and I had left. "So I'll see you tonight?" Jason says and I nod giving him a quick hug and a kiss on the cheek.

We go our separate ways, while I was walking towards my car I see from the corner of my eye Selena talking to Luke, I knew those two had a thing for each other, it was a matter of time before they ended up together.

I face palmed myself remembering that Friday was the day of Justin's party, I'm pretty sure I'm uninvited after the whole confrontation we had the other day.

I shake those thoughts away and get into my car.

"Mom?!" I shout as I close the door. I don't get an answer, "Oh wait she's not here" I say to myself and laugh. I walk towards the kitchen and open the refrigerator, taking a sparkling water out, I open it and take a sip.

I walk up the steps and go into my room, what should I do while I wait?

I look over at my desk and see my laptop, I strut over to it and take it then I walk over to my bed, I set myself down and open it up, I log in and wait for it to load.

I click the browser icon and type in spotify, once the page has loaded I type in my username and password, I see the playlists I've made and I click on one. Superbass by Nicki Minaj starts to play and I get up to walk over to my closet.

I start to sing along and scan through my clothes.

Since we'll probably just end up chilling at his place I'll wear something comfortable.

I take a black tank top and some leggings. I walk over to my bed and lay out my clothes then I walk into my bathroom and take a quick shower.

Coming out the bathroom I see my clock and it read 4:45. I'll just eat something and get dressed later. I put on my undergarments and then put my robe on top. I grab my laptop and walk back down the steps and into the kitchen.

I take all the ingredients for a sandwich out and set them on the counter top. I pop my toast into the toaster. I walk into the living room and turn on the tv, I connect my laptop to the tv and open up Netflix.

I hear my phone ding and remembering I left it in my room I quickly run up and grab it from my bed and I run back down to make my sandwich.

Once I've done my sandwich I take my sparkling water and my plate out to the living room, I sit on the couch and press play on the first episode of The Vampire Diaries. I've never seen this show.

I take my phone and I unlock it, I open up the message I had

From: 287-***-****
Hey princess

I smile knowing it's Jason, he's the only one that calls me princess. I quickly save his number and reply.

To:Jase M.
Hey Jason, how'd you get my number? :) xx

I send it and take a bite of my sandwich. Damn it's good. I hear my phone ding again and so I unlock it checking the message.

From: Jase M.
I have my ways princess ;)

I laugh and roll my eyes. I send him a quick response.

To: Jase M.
Stalking maybe? ;) xx

I send it but then regret it, what if he gets mad? oh god. I see the three dots and my heart starts to race.

From: Jase M.
Only you baby ;)

I blush and shake my head. I lock my phone and notice that the episode has ended, I didn't even pay attention... I look over to the digital clock and notice it's already six.

I walk back into my room and put my clothes on. I strut to my vanity and sit in my comfy chair, I start doing my make up.

When I'm done I look at myself and smile. I take my phone and open up the camera, I take a few selfies, I look back at them and click on the one I like, I post it on Instagram and close the app then I lock my phone.

I sit on my bed and stare at the wall.

There's a knock at my door which causes me to snap out of my trance, how long was I staring at the wall?

I run downstairs and open the door, "hey princess" Jason says and I smile at him. "hey jason" I say and I walk out closing the door behind me. "you ready?" he asks and I nod. he opens the door for me and I get in thanking him in the process.

He jogs to the other side and gets in, he pulls out the drive way and we drive off. "So we're going to go to my place, I have something I want to tell you" Jason speaks up and I nod. He literally lives a street away from me so it took us like two minutes to get there.

We go inside his house and I look around, "nice house" I comment, "thanks" he answers and I follow him up some stairs and into what I'm guessing is his office.

"Take a seat" he says gesturing to the seat opposite of his desk. I clear my throat as I watch him sit in his seat, is it getting hot in here?

"So what did you need to tell me?" I ask and he looks at me, I look away and then look back at him and his eyes are still on me. "you know how Justin said he wanted to tell you some things?" he says and I nod. "well he was talking about me" he says pausing wanting to see how I reacted, I furrowed my eyebrows "what do you mean?" I say and he takes a breath. "There's something about me that you don't know" he says and I just keep still not moving. "I'm in a gang princess" he says and I gasp lowly. So this is what he was afraid to tell me? I blink and open my mouth to talk "A gang?" I say and he nods, keeping his eyes on me, "how did Justin know this? I thought you guys didn't know each other?" I ask, becoming a little curious.

"Well I've know him since we were young, we would always be together, when I was 12 my parents died and I got involved with some bad people, I ended up joining a gang and Justin followed my footsteps, once his mom found out she sent him away and I didn't see him again till that day at school" he finishes and I'm left speechless so Justin used to live in Canada?

Pushing Justin aside I try to process the fact that Jason is in a gang.

"Ok so you're in a gang, so what?" I say and i visibly see Jason's body relax.

"So you're not scared? You don't hate me?" he asks and I giggle at how cute he's being.

"No I'm not scared, I know you would never hurt me, and I could never hate you, you're too important to me" I say and he smirks "I am?" he says and I playfully roll my eyes.

"Want to meet my gang?" he says and I jump up "yes!" I say and he chuckles. We walk out and head downstairs, as we get closer to the living room I hear a few voices.

"Hey Jason! ooo who's the pretty lady" one of them says and I smile looking down at my shoes. "Hey Fredo this is Ariana" Jason says and I look back up at him "Hey Fredo" I say shyly and look over his shoulder to see three more guys staring at me.

"Come here princess" Jason says grabbing my hand and leading me towards the couch. "This is Chaz, Ryan and Za" he says an I say a quick hello and shake their hands.

"So is she your girl?" Alfredo asks and I look over at Jason and smirk. "I am" I say and this time Jason smirks, he takes a few steps back and stand behind me then wraps his arms around my waist.

Can't wait for Selena to find out about this.


*flips hair* so that just happened ;)

How do you think Justin is going to take the news? >;)

You'll find out in the next chapter *laughs evilly* pls don't kill me lol

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