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a r i a n a

"finally!" i shout as we exit our last class. jason laughs and puts his arm around me as we walk down the school hall. you could hear all the students talking and all the laughter.

i haven't told him about the whole kiss thing with justin, i just don't want there to be anymore fighting and i know if i say something world war three will break out. so i'm just not gonna say anything, plus it's not like the kiss meant anything, and no one saw so we're good. (but not everything goes as planned)

"i'll see you tomorrow then?" i nod and give jason a quick kiss, i step out the car and shut the door. i blow him one last kiss before he speeds off. i sigh and turn around to walk towards my doorstep. it's been a long day, i just want to lay in my bed and take a small nap.

i unlock the door and step inside. i walk into the kitchen and take a water from the fridge.

my phone starts to ring so i reach into my back pocket and take it out, i see it's selena.

"hey girl" i answer as i walk up the steps and into my bedroom.

"did you see what was posted of you on facebook" i almost trip when i hear what she says. and i know it can't be good due to her tone.

"what?!" i shout and run my ass up the steps and into my bedroom, i throw my back pack onto the floor and run to my desk, grabbing my laptop i run to my bed, i lay down and open the laptop in front of me. i let it boot up and i click on the browser, i log into my facebook and see that I have over fifty notifications, oh s.hit this cannot be good.

i go through them and see that they're comments that were made on a video, then i spot one where it says i was tagged by someone, i click on it and see that it's of two people talking, the video was kind of blurry, i had to really squint my eyes to be able to see and when i do my heart stops.

it's of justin and i kissing. f.uck!!!

"are you kidding me!" i shout and notice selena was still on the line "omg jason is going to hate me" i say and my eyes start to water.

"ariana no, he's not going to hate you, you can clearly see that it was him who kissed you" a small sob escapes my lips and i soon start to cry like a baby.

"selena what do i d-o" i say as i try to clean the tears that are running down my face. "call him ariana, tell him to come over and explain to him what happened" i nod. "ok sel, you're right, thank you, i'll call you right after ok?" she agrees and we hang up.

i close my laptop and fall back onto my bed. i take a few breaths and try to relax. i get off my bed and walk to my bathroom. i take off my make up and decide to stop stalling and call jason.

i take my phone from my bed and unlock it, i scroll down to jason's contact and press the call button.

ok here goes nothing...

h a i l e y

"you are such a clever chick" i say to myself as i watch the video i posted go viral. perks of being popular.

stupid, stupid ariana thought she could kiss my boyfriend and get away with it. she has jason, what is she doing trying to get with justin? she's a greedy b.itch that's what she is.

"you know justin likes her right?"

i look next to me and roll my eyes "haven't seen you in a while" she smirks and walks over to the full length mirror. "and plus he just wants to f.uck her and leave her, you know that"

"i was taking a short vacation, but i'm here now, stronger than ever not even your medication will be able to get rid of me, enough about justin he bores me, i'll be here if you need me"

"whatever" she disappears and i go back to what i was doing. i take a deep breath and get into character, ariana is going to regret ever crossing me..


"hailey, look i can explain, she came onto me! you have to believe me babe" i fake cry and he walks closer to me.

"how could you justin!? do you know what this is doing to me?" i say and he takes me into his arms, engulfing me in a big hug, i smirk and wipe the tears from my face with my sleeve. way to go hailey, he fell for it.

"hailey! time for school!" i hear my mom shout. i stand up and stretch the walk over to my bathroom.

when i'm ready i take my bag and my phone then head downstairs. i pour myself some juice and drink it. i drop the cup onto the sink and head out the door. justin is already outside waiting for me. he walks over to his side and gets in.

i open the door and get in, slamming the door i ear and glare from justin, i roll my eyes and we take off to school.

"hailey! omg babe are you ok?" i hear my friend alicia shout. she hugs me, when we pull apart i frown "i'll be ok" i say and she nods. we walk into school together since justin decided to leave while alicia and i were talking.

things are going just as planned, everyone is taking my side.

"don't you just love being popular"

i shake my head and try to get her to shut up. when i make it to my locker i see that ariana is all by herself. hmm is it possible that her boy toy left her? i smirk at the thought of her being miserable.

i ditch alicia and walk over to her. "hey slut" she turns around and crosses her arms over her chest. "what do you want?" she asks and i scoff. "was jason not good enough for you that you had to come after my boyfriend?" she gasps and slaps me. b.itch

i grab her by her hair and push her onto her locker "don't ever put your hands on me again" i let her go and she falls to the ground. i laugh and walk away while everyone laughs at her.







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