The Truth and Pure Shock

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 (A/N: Hello! Guys, guess what! It’s my summer vacation here in America! You know what that means! MORE UPDATES! YAY! I’ve decided to now make Ryleigh be played by Laura Marano, Austin and Ally.Anyway, expect a twist in this chapter that will probably make you gasp!)

                                                Ryleigh’s POV

The room fell so silent that you could hear a pin drop if someone dropped it.

“Wait, you actually had sex with someone and got pregnant?” Zayn asked, tears filling his eyes.

“It’s not like that. I was raped.” I admitted quietly, lowering my head in shame. Everyone gasped in horror as I brought my hands up to face, sobbing into them. I felt warm, comforting wrap around me and a familiar accent coo softly into my ear.

“Shhh, Ryleigh, it’s alright. We won’t let anyone hurt you again. We love you sooo much.” Liam said sweetly into my ear. I snuggled deeper into his chest, still sobbing.

“I know. I love you too, but two people have already hurt me.” I managed to say between sobs.

“What do you mean?” Harry asked as I  looked up to see his, red puffy eyes looking at me with great concern.

“Your girlfriend, Haz, and her ex boyfriend, John. Sia was my foster mother three years ago. Both of them abused and raped me continuously for about three years. Last week, Sia came into my bedroom and raped me. Earlier today, John came and left to deep gashes on my stomach.” I admitted, sobs raking through my body. Everyone gasped loudly as they turned to look at Sia.

“Is that true?” Eleanor asked her, quietly while sniffling.

“Ugh, no. That girl is lying.” She said as she kissed Harry, hard. His face turned from a look of shock to a look of pure rage.

“YOU LITTLE WHORE! HOW DARE YOU ACCUSE HER OF SOMETHING LIKE THAT?!?!?!??!” Harry said to me, practically spitting out venom with every word.

“I’m not lying! It’s true!” I yelled back, getting cutoff by another sob. Liam gripped me tighter and whispered in my ear.

“I believe you.” He whispered as he petted my hair.

“I’m not happy with you, Harry. You have to no right to say what you said to Ryleigh. Since when did you believe a random broad over your own daughter?” Liam scolded Harry. Harry lowered his head in shame as Liam turned to Sia.

“I never want to see you again. You disgust me deeply. How could you even do what you did to a child? You know what? Be gone, bitch.” Liam said venomously to Sia with a hint of disgust. Sia got up and left with a grimace on her face as she looked at me and mouthed the words, “I’ll be back for you.”. I felt my eyes start to drop sleepily from crying as I slumped into Liam’s lap.

“Shhh, it’s alright. You can go to sleep.” He whispered as he rocked me back and forth in his lap.

“You’ve gotten lighter, RyRy.” He said quietly as he kept on rocking.

“I love you, daddy LiLi.” I whispered my eyes closed.

“I love you too, princess.” He said to me right before I let the sleepiness take over.

                                                Liam’s POV

I sighed as the small, fragile girl fell asleep in my arms. I can’t believe she was raped. Let alone pregnant. I looked up to see everybody else looking at Ryleigh with tears streaking their faces.

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