The Past Always Repeats Itself

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(A/N: Hello guys!!! Ummm, I know that you guys wanted me to remake the last chapter, but I'm just going to write the chapter that I wanted to post. On this chapter in the beginning, there is a sort of a sexual/physical abuse scene so be warned!)

The Past Always Repeats Itself

I can't believe that Sia is back. Sia was my foster mother. I actually loved her until she got a boyfriend and they both started to abuse me. The worst abuse that they ever gave to me was when I was only ten years old.

*Flashback- Three years ago*

"Here you go, sweetie. Drink up!" Sia said to me with a huge smile. I guess she was having another one of her mood swings again. I grabbed the cold cup of apple juice out of her hand and chugged it down. It kind of tasted weird, but I didn't care. I was so parched! Soon afterwards, I felt dizzy and tired.

"Shhhh, lie down, honey. We're just gonna have some fun with you." She said right before I completely blacked out. When I woke back up, I was naked and bound to the bed by handcuffs. I tried to scream for help, but there was a ball gag in my mouth. Sia and her boyfriend, John, strolled into the room naked and my eyes widened. What's going on?

"Isn't this what you wanted, babe?" Sia asked John as he eyed my body sickly.

"Exactly what I wanted." He said darkly as they walked towards me with sinister smiles on their faces.

"Happy birthday, baby." Sia said to him as she kissed him heatedly on the lips then motioned towards me.

*Flashback Over*

All I can remember pain, pain, and even more pain. Sia and John used me as a sex doll for a couple of months before sending me back to the orphanage. That was the worst year of my life. I was still sitting on the chair, still frozen solid. How could she just come back after all she had done? I guess I had been sitting there for ages because the next thing I know, I hear chatter coming from downstairs.

"Ryleigh!" Niall yelled up to me.

"I'm in my room!" I yelled back, somehow finding my voice.

"Ok! Sia is going to bring your food up to you!" He yelled back. That sentence unfroze me fast. NO! NO! NO! I psychically shook as I heard her high heels clack against the linoleum floor. Then she stopped at the front of my door and twisted the doorknob. I cowered in fear as she walked into my bedroom. She devilishly smirked as she walked in and shut the door. I heard her lock it tight before turning back around to face me.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't my little slut." She said as she set the food down on the floor beside her feet.

"Please. Please, don't hurt me." I said timidly.

"Aww, baby, I won't hurt you unless you do what I say. Oops, what am I saying? I am going to hurt you anyway." She growled to me as drew back her fist. I braced myself for the oncoming impact.


I could already feel the pain as tears burned in the back of my eye. That hurt. She continuously kicked, punched, and slapped me before she picked me up and put me on my bed. She started to remove her clothing and smirked.

"I think you know what's about to happen." She said as she straddled me, completely naked.

"No, no. Stop. Please." I said as I struggled in her grip, flashbacks coming at a mile a minute.

"Now what's the fun in that?" She asked me sinisterly as she ripped off my clothes. I finally went limp in her grip.

Fear. That's the only emotion I could feel right now. I am in my bathroom, naked, scared, and shaking. I could still feel the sweatiness of her skin on mine as she forced herself on me. I feel disgusting and empty and worthless. The only thing that could help me now was the instrument that practically ruined my life. I just had to have it. I'm craving for it. I showered in hopes of erasing the thoughts from my head, but that didn't help at all. I wrapped at towel around my myself before climbing out of the shower and searching for a blade. After ten minutes of looking, I actually found it. I grabbed the cold, shiny stress releaser and pressed it hard against my skin on my stomach. I slowly pulled it outwards and watched the crimson liquid pour out of the wound. I sighed in relief as I rinsed the blade off and hid it in the fake bottom of my bathroom cabinet before putting gauze on the wound. I walked out of the bathroom with an emotionless expression on my face as I got dressed. I put on a galaxy print crew neck sweater, white skinny jeans, and a pair of galaxy printed Vans. I put my hair in a messy bun and preceded to take the soiled sheets off and putting them in the laundry shoot. I walked over to my makeup filled vanity and started to cover up the bruises that were visable to people if they looked hard enough. About two bottles of foundation and thirty minutes later, everything was well covered. Wish I could do the same with my ugly face and body.

"Knock, knock!" Perrie said cheerfully from the other side of the door before slowly opening it. I put on my best fake smile and looked at her and the rest of the girls come in.

"Hey guys!" I said in a fake happy voice.

"Hey Ryleigh!" Eleanor said to me with a real smile. I wish I could be as pretty as these girls. Compared to them, I'm a sack of potatoes.

"No your not, Ry. You are so much more beautiful than all of us put together. If anything, I wish I was as pretty as you." Jade said to me with a big hug. I flinched a little because of the cut and the bruises from the beating, but nobody noticed. I'm glad that they didn't notice. That would be terrible. She pulled back and smiled at me genuinely. I smiled back fakely and convincingly. This is all I have to do to keep this act up that I'm alright. This shouldn't be hard at all.

Sorry that this chapter is so short! I wrote this on my way to school.

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