Was it worth it?

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1st of April 2014. It all started as a joke...but soon it was serious, way too serious, too serious to be real. But it ended too soon. Those 7 months were the best and worst months of her life. He made her the happiest yet the saddest person on Earth. But they both didn't mind, they ignored the world for each other and always put each other above everyone else they knew. She was a good girl, he was a bad guy, but she was bad for him and he was good for her. They were perfect, too perfect that it didn't work out. She was a match and he was a match, when they came together they lit each other up ... but with time they were both the reason of each others "burn", the reason for the other person's ashes. Time didn't heal the pain, in fact, being around each other in school all the time made it worse. She was devastated, wrecked and destroyed. He was the same, however he never showed it, as he thought it was a sign of weakness. Years went by and every now and then he'd come back to talk to her, or she'd start the chat with him to check up on how he's doing. Every time they'd end it with a fight and every time she thought there'd be hope of them getting back together, the memories never disappeared. And then eventually he got with a girl. And that was the end of their spontaneous conversations. 

His friends and himself always blamed him for what her life has become, they always convinced him or her to break up so her life could go back to 'normal'. She didn't think that though, she'd say "I agreed to get with him, so it's my fault too, it was my decision and so I handle the consequences." Her life collapsed. She stood there and watched every part of her life roll off the shelves she's been building for the past 14 years. All she did was shudder to the sound of everything falling in front of her and crashing...all her 14 years of joy were gone. Even those 7 months of happiness...were gone. It was all gone. And at this point she had no idea what direction her life was going in. Depression hit her hard, maybe not so hard, she tried going out with friends, doing the things she liked, but everything reminded her of him. He was everywhere. In every mall, in every drawing, every song and even in school, literally everywhere. 

She ripped off the pictures she had on her wall, they reminded her how perfect everything was. She has a big smile in each one of them, each picture held a memory, each picture held a nice laugh... with different people. But that was all gone now. Regardless to how destroyed her life was she was stronger now, colder, less sensitive, he built up her personality, everyone around her did actually. She no longer got offended when someone insulted her, being nice to people wasn't an option anymore, hearing someone hates her didn't concern her no more. Boom. She was different. Was it a good change? Was it worth it? It was both good and bad, she had become bitch-ier, rude-er, and quieter. She no longer enjoyed being around people, instead she enjoyed being alone, but sometimes it got too lonely... more than sometimes.

She thought it was the end, all those late night skype calls, falling asleep on her assignment poster because she was up talking to him, those hugs between classes, that smirk he'd give her in class, skipping his electives so her could spend more time with her, all those reckless actions she's done and all those stupid decisions she took so she can see him. They all led to how her life has become now, no freedom, horrible relationship with her parents, constant break downs and so on. 

It go better though... 

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