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So this is the Jelsa chapter, yayyy!!!

Third person POV

So the whole week for everyone was pretty normal, the boys pretty much only wrestled and played football. While the girls just did arts and crafts, and talked, and played games etc.

Nothing really special. But everything went down after the camp day, what that means is all the good and bad stuff happened in the cabin when it was just counselors.

Well ever since the kiss between Rapunzel and Eugene, they haven't really talked, except for when Eugene flirts with Rapunzel, but she just smirks and walks away.

Then you have Kristoff and Anna who are basically inseparable, they're always gazing into each others eyes, and hugging, and blah blah blah, all that lovey dovey stuff.

Next, is Merida and Hiccup, of course they are still fighting and making fun of each other, normal stuff.

But the real fighting is going on between Elsa and Jack, the whole week they've been fighting a lot, and more than usual.

Sometimes the others wake up, hearing screaming, and see pillows being thrown, and all they think is Elsa and Jack are fighting again.

They usually have to hold them back from hurting each other, and you could see why, Elsa criticizes everything Jack does, and Jack is just plain annoying.

There was lots of fights but none of them compare to the fight between them that happened at lunch, in front of all the kids. A fight started some how, and both of them said some very selective words to one another, if you understand what I mean.

All the kids gasped, even some of the counselors and everything got silent. That caused them to get into trouble and get a punishment.

The punishment was when all the kids and conselors went on a field trip to the water park for a day, they would have to stay behind and do chores together, and that's how it all started.

Elsa's POV

"Ughhhh this is torture how am supposed to work with this Dimwit" I yelled in frustration to my friends.

"You know I can hear you!" Dim- I mean Jack shouted.

"Shut up!" I called back.

"Oh come on Elsa it can't be that bad, it's just one day, just try to ignore him," Rapunzel convinced.

"Umm no it's bad, your screwed," Merida objected.

"Merida," Anna scolded nudging her in the side.

"Hey, it's true remember I has to be his partner for the conoe, probably the most annoying partner I 've ever had, well except for wee lamb," Merida defended.

"Yeah she's right your screwed," Rapunzel intoned.

I gave irritated look, "Well wow can you believe it the bus is here, gotta go bye," Rapunzel said nervously then running onto the bus. "I'm sorry," Merida said getting on the bus. "Good luck," Anna called also getting on it.

"Well thanks for everything guys," I yelled sarcastically at the bus that was now driving away.

I turned around and saw Jack looking at me weirdly, "What are you looking at," I sassed.

"Nothing," he sassed back. "Good," I said turning around and walking back towards camp."Good" Jack said queitley mocking me.

"I heard that," I growled. "Heard what," Jack said all innocently acting all dumb.

"Ughhhh!" I screamed then walked away with my arms crossed.

We were washing the dishes in silence there was absolutely no sound, except for the sound of water running.

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