All About Ciel; Hot Summer

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The beginning of the immense hot season, a mix of reds, yellows, and oranges. The beautiful colors scraped across the sky in the dreadful season. Although Ciel had been through countless harsh summers, he actually enjoyed it more than winter. He hated winter, with a burning passion. In the cold, he hurt. His bones ache and his body caves in. The Phantomhive boy could handle the hot more than the cold. But in this particular summer, Ciel would have to go to the beach with Claude.

"Whatever. A long as I stay on the sand." Ciel said, complaining. Claude had dragged him alone to go to the beach, stating that 'it was necessary for him to get a vacation after dealing with demon issues that Ciel shouldn't bother himself with at such a young demon age'. The older demon knew Ciel couldn't swim, but he wasn't in any position to pull him down into the depths of the cold blue.

Ciel was quietly reading in the library of his old manor. A bird flew over the window that was the closest to him and caught him off-guard. He glanced down to the earth below, examining the carriage that Claude had ordered. Claude was filling up the back of the horse-guided carriage with their current luggage. Ciel couldn't help but stare at Claude. He had slick black hair with aureate shining eyes, hidden by his well-treated spectacles. Claude could sense that Ciel was staring, and smirked while having his back turned to him. The black haired demon finished quickly, checking over the luggage to make sure he had everything.

"Alright Ciel. Get your ass out here" he said, pushing his spectacles up.


"His soul dwells in darkness, yet remains unstained by it. It's vexed us, tantalized us, driven us mad." Claude spoke the words as if he didn't say them to begin with. Ciel just rolled his eyes. Looking at Claude through his right eye, he could finally see him clearly. Yes, his right eye was unstained by a seal from a Faustian contract. Once Sebastian died, Ciel was no longer had a contract with him. When he found Claude, Claude took his soul, killing the human Ciel and creating the demon. Ciel still was getting used to being able to see clearly through both eyes. The black haired demon noticed this and smiled.

"Ciel, do you like being able to see out of both eyes?"

"I guess it's alright. There's still some stuff that I see occasionally that I would like to avoid."

"I see..." Claude said, looking out the window of the Victorian Age carriage. Ciel looked at Claude and tried to feel sympathy for him, but couldn't. He honestly didn't mean to offend him, but Ciel grew disgusted every second he saw Claude try and tap dance.

"I have nowhere to go, that's the only reason why I'm staying with you. To benefit myself. You already took my soul. Other demons by now would have left, but I'm staying so you can teach me. Teach me how to be this deadly paranormal thing." Ciel tried to make it sound like a demand, focusing more on his pride than friendship, but Claude knew it was really a plead.

"Your pride it too far up your ass for you to actually do anything."

"Well that's better than focusing on tap-"


"Whatever." Ciel responded, sucking his teeth and looking out the opposite window. There was a long silence before Claude spoke, breaking the quietness

"The cabin by the beach is said to be really small. I hope you can adjust to it. I know you like living in the high life."

"I can adjust. I'm just worried about getting training in." Ciel admitted honestly, which was very rare of him. Claude just nodded, waiting for the carriage to get to their location. Within an hour the carriage had stopped, nightfall had become the sky and they were only half way there. The driver got out and explained the situation; apparently they were supposed to stop for a nights rest. Claude agreed and paid the man, while he hurried into the small inn they were at the get to some rest. Ciel just scoffed, looking at the driver who rushed into the cabin, not even making sure his passengers were following. Claude just stepped out of the cabin and got into the front seat.

"Demons don't need sleep." Claude said, and with that, he lifted up the reigns connected to the horses and road off into the night with Ciel.


The Phantomhive boy and Claude had finally arrived to the beach that Claude mentioned earlier. It was a small, private beach owned by one of Claude's friends; Neena.

"Neena trained here too when she was young." Claude said, swiftly putting up the entire luggage into the small cabin that he had mentioned earlier to Ciel.

"You know it would have just been faster if we walked?" Ciel asked, helping Claude finish. Claude chuckled and brushed a strand of hair that had gotten into his face.

"Now what fun would that have been?" He replied, pushing up his glasses

"Are you going to keep answering my questions with a question?"

"Do you want to know how to fight like a demon or not?" Claude got serious for a moment, slightly scaring Ciel. But of course, since Ciel's pride was too far up his arse, he barely showed it.

"You know what..." Claude said, sitting down on the old couch that was in the small wooded building "How about you just get into a contract with a human? It makes the demons stronger, once they have a human soul in their possession. The longer you are with the human, the stronger you get. Once you finally devour the soul, the better it is." Claude finished, licking his lips with his elongated tongue. Ciel stared for a moment, thinking about Sebastian. How Sebastian got into a contract with Ciel, and how Sebastian was always getting hungrier each and every moment. As if on que, Ciel's stomach made a small squeaking noise, much to the Claude's interest.

"Well then, it's settled. Tonight, we find a human to pry on. I can smell one now, about 500 feet away." Claude said, smiling.

Ciel felt a smile creep onto his face.

"Then, I can be one hell of a butler."

"That would mean you have to serve that bratty, clumsy, ignorant human until the contract is fulfilled."



OMG WHUTTT?! CIEL HATES THE COLD? Well pst so do I. Ciel hates everything. Uhm, I'm thinking about adding some of my OC's to this. Comment if you want to complain 'NO OC'S IN DIS BLACK BUTLER FANFICTION BEYOTCH." Of Course, Neena is going to be a big part of this.

We all know that Ciel can't swim right? Right. WELL WHAT IF HE COULD?! OMG PLOT TWIST #1. LOL jk. Let it be known that Claude loves to Tap Dance, and even though it isn't mentioned, Ciel loves to -cough- sing -cough-. I'm still thinking about how it would be if Ciel was a master. I mean, he used to be some sexy bratty pride driven kid; he still is, but I mean now he has to serve us ugly humans omg! WHAT A LIFE!! Is that a Rigby reference at the end? STOP TALKING. c: Ok bye my humans 。◕‿◕。

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