The Adventure of the Conductor

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  "Holmes, I was always curious, why do you play violin?"

  "Ah Watson what a marvelous question. See a scientist always has a second way of thinking, or in my case many multiples of ways. Playing violin just helps me to clear my head and think about what is most necessary at that moment."

  "So in a way it's your meditation?"

  "Exactly so, if you go that path. Smoking is more of my meditation then playing violin."

  "I still wish you'd quit with the smoke."

  "What else would I do with my mind then? It would just be a waste."

  "No smoking makes it a waste. Playing violin makes it active."

  "But it doesn't have quite the same affect as a good smoke, or a good case. Which I wish there was one now. Has anything come today?"

  "Yes actually."

  "What are you holding out of me and my mind?"

  "No Holmes, I just got it now before I walked in and sat down."

  "Well bring it here."

   I got up and handed him the small white envelope with a note inside. I hadn't read it yet, but based on Holmes' reaction it must of been good

  "Maybe your right Watson. Maybe I should give up on smoking for a bit."

   Him saying that gave me a moment of excitement and I stood up to shake his hand, but I saw that on his face was that sly grin of his meaning he had some sort of intention. He looked back to the letter and then through it on the table. He quickly got up and went into the other room to change. As he did so I picked up the letter and read it. It read like this:

Dear Sir,

        We apologise for not getting this information to you earlier, but we just found out about it today. Apparently our conductor has gone missing and not one person know's where's gone to. This greatly concerns us all because our concert is in two days. I ask for your assistance in finding our conductor or all may be lost and show will not go on.

                                                                                                 Hope for your help,

                                                                                                  London Orchestra

   Well I had to think for a moment. Why had Holmes not mentioned going to their concert recently? Or was he waiting for this? Either case, my friend emerged back but had I known better I'd say it wasn't him. Instead in front of me stood a squat man, slightly heavy set, black hair that was greased back, and a concert tuxedo. The only thing that gave Holmes away was his eyes. The man smiled at me and waved me forward.

  "Off to the concert hall then, yes?" my friend said with a really thick Russian accent.

   We got to the hall and it was completely empty. No man or woman was there playing or preparing for the upcoming concert. All the chairs and equipment was ready though. Holmes in his guise went on state and pulled out his violin and sat in the first chair next to the conductors stand and started to play a very familiar piece but I couldn't put a name to it. I walked about stage looking around and just taking the scene in. Then we were both interrupted by a man waving his arms from out in the seats.

  "Oye Sir. You play that song well. Why are you not part of our ensemble?"

  "I am only on visit my sir. I heard there was a concert this week and I came by to see if you were in practice, but I see it is quite empty." my friend said, his accent really strong.

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