Chapter 2: Alejandra

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Alejandra stood looking through her clothes in her giant walk in closet. She had just been shopping because she decided if she was going to go on this pointless cruise she was going to have a whole new wardrobe. Now she was seeing which outfit would go with which day.

Her father sent the invitation and iternary for the cruise through an email that said that she had to go so she was packing. She had not seen her father in months because he has been in Spain negotiating a business deal and she was looking forward to seeing him. Despite what she showed on the outside she was very lonely and because she was homeschooled and an only child she did not make many true friends besides the goldigging friends that every rich person has. Apart from Josh she basically had no friends even the maids that were her age did not like her because she was so rude to them. Josh was the only person who, whenever she was rude he was rude right back. She had met him at a catered party, one of the waitresses had accidently spilled a drink near her and she snapped at her. Josh was there and he defended the girl and yelled right back and they had been friends ever since.

She gazed at her slender form in the mirror, the blue bikini she had on was perfect with her olive skin and wavy black hair.  Her phone starts to play the song defying gravity. Wicked being her and josh's all time favorite musical Josh saw to it that it would be her ringtone for him.

She answers the phone, "Hey Joshie poo what's up?" 

"Nothing Dra Dra just wondering when you are coming to the ship for your maiden voyage." He says the end like a british person. Alejandra grins I should be there around 6 or 7. the boat leaves at 8 right?. I'm still getting my clothes together."

"Alright girl I'll see you at the opening dinner ceremony thingy at nine then. I will make sure to talk to you during it so you won't be so alone."

Alejandra answers, " Thanks so much I am sure by that time my mouth will be killing me with all those fake smiles  I will have to do. Bye see you then."

She turns back to the mirror, "This will be the longest most boring summer of my life."

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