Chapter 12: Never can say goodbye

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Sorry it took so long. I lost my muse, actually she left me, quite abruptly really. But yay! I found another one, or rather she found me. So now the story can finally be on it's way again. Anchors away and happy reading! :D  P.s. I love you....sshhh don't make it weird. 

Alejandra Pov.

She led me down the hallway by my hand, our fingers were laced and I loved the way our hands fit perfectly together. As we walked I couldn't help but smile goofily while looking at our fingers.

We continued down the hall at a moderate pace and I was giddy. Today was perfect and I loved every second of it.

We walked up to the door to her suite and she pulled out her key. Then she turned to me.

"Okay now close your eyes. And don't peek." I nodded my head as she pushed in the key card.

I had my eyes closed as she pulled me through the door. Inside it smelled amazing. I still had my eyes closed as I heard the door shut.

"Ok, now open your eyes." She spoke softly into my ear. I shivered at the way her voice made me feel.

I opened my eyes and gasped.

All around were burning candles and rose petals. Rose petals were everywhere; on the floor, on the tables, in the kitchen. she had spread them out leading all the way to the bedroom.

On the bed it spelt our names with a heart in the middle in rose petals.

I turned to her, slight tears in my eyes. "Did you do all this for me?"

"Well I had help" she said sheepishly, scratching the back of her neck.

In that moment I saw the real Sascha. Past all the cocky flirtyness. I saw Sascha and I loved it.

I feverishly pushed my lips against hers. No longer feeling the inhibitions I felt earlier. I wanted to be with her, completely. I didn't want to ever let her go.

Sascha Pov.

One minute I was standing there wondering if the plan was actually working and the next I am pushed up against the wall her lips crash onto mine. Our lips battle for dominance as our hands roam all over each others bodies. I pull away trying to catch my breath and think about how great this plan worked. I would have to thank Josh later for his help.

She continues her attack and begins kissing down my jawline and leaves blazing kisses on my neck and it's heating my insides and can't keep my thoughts straight. My eyes have shut as I try and remember how to breathe.

"You know I am suppose to be the one making you want to say my name, not the other way around." I say breathlessly.

She laughs, "Oh yea, I remember, 'No te preocupes bella, sabrá mi nombre suficiente para estar gritando en placer cuando he terminado con usted.' She whispers mockingly in my ear the exact thing I said to her.

"How is that plan working out for you, bella?" She asks while gazing into my eyes, a smirk on her lips.

"Quite well actually." I press my lips down onto hers to wipe away that smirk and push her into the bedroom.

I was going to have her saying my name over and over by morning.


The Next Morning

I woke up with the sun shining in on my face, the memories of last night coming back into my mind. I smiled as I looked at my body placement, I had clung to Alejandra in my sleep, my arm was draped around her stomach and our legs were entwined as my head rested on her chest.

I would never admit it to Josh but  for all the cockiness I portrayed Alejandra had in fact topped me last night even though I had got her to scream my name a few times, she made me say hers first. I chuckled at all the things Josh would have to say about it.

I was brought out of my thoughts by my  cellphone ringing very loudly. I quickly scrambled to answer it before it woke Alejandra. On my way to it I tripped out of the bed and fell onto the floor. I looked over to her she had not budged. Man she is a heavy sleeper. I thought. I smirked to myself, or she is extra exhausted from-- I was pulled out of my thoughts by the ringing. I answered it and quietly shut the door to my bedroom.

Hello, this is the happiest girl in the world, how may I help you? I asked cheerfully not knowing who it was on the phone but also not caring.

"It's good to hear you so happy when you know we have to leave soon."Mikhail answered in his usual arrogant tone. 

"What do you want?!" My cheerful mood quickly dissipated.

"I was just calling to let you know that the boat will dock in two hours and to be ready to get off when it does."

"Fine. Anthing else?" I say pointedly.

"Oh and be sure to tell Alejandra I said goodbye. From your obvioulsy happy tone I know you that you are with her and you were with her all night long." He snickered over the phone. I just rolled my eyes at his stupidity.

"Bye, Mickey!" I hung up before he could say anything else stupid. I worried my lip, a frown coming to my face. 

"How am I going to say goodbye to her." I say out loud to myself as I look to the bedroom door.

So how is she going to say good bye? No really, I have no idea, i'm asking you. Anyway next chapter will be up soon. Also sorry for the lack of sexytimes details, I didn't know the guidelines for pg-13ness so what ever your sexual fantasy is, that's exactly what happened.

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