Chapter 13 Let her go

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Holy Wombats, Batman!! Is that another update?!

Alejandra woke and she immediatley felt cold even though sun was shining on her face. She looked around for Sascha but she did not see her. There was a note placed right next to her head on the spot Sascha was supposed to be. Alejandra picked up and read it.

Dear Alejandra,

Last night was the most magical night I have ever had. You blew my mind and you amazed me with who you are inside and out. I never thought I could have so much fun on a cruise with ignorant snobby rich people but you definetly proved  me wrong. These last few days have been wonderful and I wish I could stay with you forever but I am leaving with my family as soon as we dock. I hope to see you again but because of our families I doubt that I will.  So I wanted to leave you without having to be forced to say goodbye on a sad note. So I am leaving you on a happy note with this note.   Although it was only for a couple of days, I felt like those were the best days of my life and I know it's too soon and we just met but I love you. I'm pretty sure I know what love is and I am glad I found it in you. 


Natalia Sascha Ifigenia Torres Baryshnikov

P.S. You did scream my name last night but you didn't scream all of it, so here it is in case we meet again you can remember to say it all.

Alejandra looked up from the note with tears in her eyes and a smile on her face. She chuckled as she read the note again. She read a third time and she suddenly looked around the room. She remembered  that she was in Sascha's suite but all of Sascha's things were gone.

She suddenly became angry. " Happy note my ass! You were too much of a coward to say goodbye to me to my face!" She got up and started angrily putting on her clothes. She found her phone in her pocket and called Josh.

 "Hey Dra Dra, how was making sweet sweet love" He said jokingly over the phone.

Instantly I was reminded of the beautifully intense night I had, "It was so wonderful and magical. She was so perfect." I sighed

"Do I hear wedding bells?"

"Not yet." And then I was reminded of why I had called. "Stop distracting me do you know where Sascha is?"

"Um did she not tell you?" He questioned.

"No she left a not saying that her family was leaving but has she left yet? And where is she going? Why didnt she say good bye?"

"Alright Dra Dra breathe. Her family wants her to move to Spain because of the whole your awful father thing and Sascha has never been good at goodbyes so she probably wanted to make it easier on you."

"This is easier for her not me." I said tearing up. "I thought I had finally found someone who understood me but now she just up and leaves?"

"Don't worry Alejandra. Maybe one day you'll get to be together. I'm sorry that day is not today." I thank him and hang the phone. And stare around her suite, memories of last night coming to mind. A sad smile crosses my face and then suddenly I jump out of  bed.

"Nope. No way. This is bullshit. No way in hell I am going let her end things like this." I say aloud to myself as I start grabbing my clothes.

I take out my phone and dial a number I had gotten a few days ago.

"Where the hell is she?!"

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