I've decided to skip to when the triplets are born, enjoy 😊
Alex: Kelley!!
Kelley: what's wrong (running into there room)
Alex: there coming!
Kelley: oh the triplets, um ok I'll help you into the car
Alex: do you have everything??
Kelley: I've already have everything packed for the last 3 weeks in the car In case they come earlier so when can just leave
Alex: oh thank you kelley, call the girls so they can meet us at the hospital
At the hospital
Morgan: I can't wait to meet them!
Tobin: I think everyone can't wait to meet them moe haha
Abby: ok you two goons, this is a hospital not a social gathering...
Amy: really Abby?
Abby: what is like 2 am and I had to wake up from my sleep to drive in rush hour traffic... I am exited to meet them but they should have just waited till the afternoon but hey when they want to come they want to come and they want to come now
Amy: true (Meghan interrupts)
Meghan: does this hospital have any good food?
Ali: nope, what do you expect it's a hospital, it's not some fancy restaurant
With Alex and Kelley
Alex: we're never having kids again... If you want kids you have them I'm done! (Squeezes Kelley's hand)
Kelley: I know I know, but in little bit we will have 3 miracles... Owww my hand geezes
Alex: I'm sorry would you like to push out 3 babies?
Kelley: uh no... Doctor?...
Doctor: yes?
Kelley: is she almost ready to deliver?
Doctor: actually Alex is ready, ready Alex to deliver the 3?
Alex: more than ready!
3 hours later
Alex: aww there so beautiful
Kelley: I know, we should name them
Alex: right, for this little girl let's name her Maddie Maureen O'hara Morgan
Kelley: aww your using my middle name, ok for this little guy how about Dylan Ray O'hara Morgan
Alex: I like it and for this little one Ashleigh rose O'hara Morgan
Kelley: wonderful name, wanna bring it the girls to meet them?
Alex: ya sure
Kelley: ok
In the waiting room
Kelley: hey guys Alex said you guys can come in now
Abby: great
Kelley: try not to be loud
Everyone: ok
In Alex's room
Kelley O'hara
ספרות חובביםKelley O'hara & Alex Morgan are married and playing for the USWNT until Alex becomes pregnant