Where do I stay?

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My vision was getting really blurry. Everything seemed really fuzzy. Is that normal?

I need to rethink some of this stuff. 1. Where was I going to go? 2. How was I going to get food? 3. How would I live a "normal" life again?

All this thinking was making me feel woozy. I felt like I needed to sit, but I didn't have time to sit. My parents are probably looking for me. They are probably talking to Anthony, and he was probably telling them where I went off to. So that gave me a reason to not stop. I can't go back to my house.

"Do you need help, ma'am?" A elder women asked me, walking towards me.

"No." I paused, looking at her. "Thank you, though."

She nodded. She looked like she was about to walk away, but she didn't. She did anything but that. She started digging through her purse, and pulled out a twenty dollar bill. She looked at me, and then back at the money. She slowly raised her hand, bringing the money closer to me. "Here."

"No. I can't take that from you." I said.

"Please, I want to help you, darling." She insisted.

"I suppose." I said, taking the money from her hand. "Thank you, so much."

She then walked away, and disappeared into the night.

I looked at the money that she had just given me. I smiled. I put the money in my pocket. I continued to walk.

"Becca??" I heard someone say.

I looked around me, to see if anyone was standing by me. When I looked to my left, I saw my old friend, Cassey.

"What are you doing out here?" I asked her, walking to her.

"Just out for a midnight jog, as I usually do." She said. "What are you doing out here? You are very far from your house."

"That's the point." I said. "I'm running away from my house. I'm sick and tired of my parents arguing. So I'm leaving them."

"Wow, that's intense." She looked shocked.

"Yeah. But I gotta get going, because my parents are probably looking for me, and I talked to my brother a little after I started running, and so he probably told them what way I went. So I gotta get going." I said.

"Ok, well, I'll see you later then." She said, and jogged off.

"Bye." I said, in a little voice. I started walking away from Cassey.

I managed to find a Wal-Mart. I walked in, and was mainly looking for a pillow and a blanket. Since I brought nothing with me. All I have with me is my phone.

Once I found the blanket and the pillow, I checked out. The price came up to $15.99. Good thing that I have twenty dollars.

I walked out of Wal-Mart, and made my way to a bench. I was hoping, that my parents wouldn't come looking for me. I looked on my phone, to see that it was 1:28 A.M. My battery percentage was at 58%, so I was good for a while.

I put my pillow on one end of the bench, and covered myself with the blanket.

I woke up to the sun beaming brightly in my eyes. I blinked a few times before my eyes adjusted to the brightening sun.

I looked around, and saw a few people looking at me. I looked at my phone and realized that it was 10:47 A.M.

I gathered my stuff, and started walking again. My legs hurt, but I couldn't let that stop me. I had to continue walking.

"Ma'am?" Someone said.

I turned around and saw that same elder women, that I saw last night. "Hello." I responded.

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