Gotta Love The Fans

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“We are in Dublin now, and I thought I would just call you one last time, leave you a message and shit. Fuck, baby; I miss you so much, please gi-“

“Come on Ben! We have a show to do!”

“Give me a second! Dammit, I have to go. Fuck, call me or something soon please. I love you so much Sierra, I just want to fix things” I finished off what had to have been my third message to her, in every new stop I would call her just to tell her where I am or Danny would. Mostly Danny has been doing it when he called Krissy I heard him mumble on his phone so I wouldn’t hear because he would be talking to Sierra and wouldn’t want to get my hopes up. Sam has called her a few times, but she doesn’t say much to him, same with James and with Cam she just refuses to talk to because if it weren’t for him Becca wouldn’t have visited anyways.

“Did she answer?” Danny asked as he handed me my guitar, as we started to get ready for our second to last show.

“No” I sighed before rubbing my face with my hands and taking a long swig out of my beer,

“Ben you need to relax on your drinking bud” Sam said as he rested his hand on my shoulder, I just shrugged it off.

“I know, I know. Let’s just fucking rock it tonight, lads” I yelled as I raised my fist and cheered as the rest of the guys did, the only time I was every happy at this moment was when I was on stage just playing my fucking heart out for the fans, if it’s anything I love more than Sierra it was the music and the fans. If there was anything that made me more happier than her it was the music and the fans, it was this life but after all this is done and I got home back to West London to sit in my flat without her I might just go bloody fucking crazy. After Krissy left about two days ago, things have been pretty quiet around here. Everyone was kind of trying to relax ever since the fight with Sierra and I, even our manger was kind of scared when she left. Everyone knows Sierra it’s bloody fucking crazy, I don’t think there is one person I know that doesn’t know Sierra. It’s hard to escape her, everywhere I look or turn there she is just haunting me. I feel so horrible about what happened but she just refuses to talk to me, I can’t explain to her what’s really going on and it’s killing me.

“Hello all you little fuckas!” Danny screamed as we started the show. I focused all my energy into the show tonight so I could go back to the bus, drink or go out and drink with the guys and then pass out so I can repeat the same thing tomorrow.

“Damn Ben, maybe you and Sierra should fight more often! You did great once again” James said I didn’t say anything that was the second time he had said that to me,

“Come on Ben! Let’s go take some shots!” Cam said as he slung his arm over my shoulder as we made our way out of the venue, the thought of alcohol was the only thing that makes me smile now-a-days.

“Ben” I heard Danny say from behind me, I just shrugged my shoulders at him and followed the rest of the guys out to the bar.

“YOU STUPID FUCKING WHORE!” We all screamed and cheered as we sang our own song at the bar, we didn’t care who was listening it was almost the end of our tour and we were going out with a big fucking bang.  The crowd around us was huge, the bar was filled with people and just slamming everyone was enjoying each other’s company. There was no one that was unhappy in sight it was seriously the best time, I be drunk off my fucking ass but this is my time right now to just let all my worries for go away. 

“Another!” James and I screamed as we both slammed our empty beer glasses down, we were basically trying to out drink each other, and the bartender did not hesitate to bring us both another glass.

“Fuck women!” We screamed as we clicked our glasses together and just slammed them,  we sat back down at the bar talking to our group around us which was basically our techs and manger, I would look over to the door now and again just expecting Sierra to come in but she never did. I would search my pockets for my phone, but I left it on the bus. I guess no drunk texting or calling for me tonight, or for a long time at that I’m sure this buzz is going to last me a long time.

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