Love, Lost... and Found

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“Are you sure about this Inna?” Yoon Eun Hye asked her, with a frown on her beautiful face. She sighed. She understands her friend’s worry but nothing will change her decision about this. “Eun Hye, you worry too much. We had this talk a thousand times before, and nothing will change my decision about this. Don’t worry about me, I’m 28 for heaven’s sake!” Eun Hye sighed exasperatedly. “You’re really stubborn! There’s a lot of risk with this you know! How would you know this will be successful?That you won’t get a disease with what you are planning?” Eun Hye grimaced with the thought. She laughed and patted her friend’s arm. “I’ll be ok. Oh here’s Richard!” She waved at the bar owner and he jovially went towards them. “Hi Ladies, what can I do for you?”

Eun Hye grabbed Richard’s arm. “Please, Rich, please don’t listen to In Na, she’s insane! Don’t help her,please, promise me!” The old man chuckled. “And what does Yoo In Na plan to do today? Lemme guess, something outrageous?” She laughed her unique laugh while Eun Hye glared at her. “Yeah, how did you know?”  It was Richard’s turn to laugh aloud. “You two are like sun and moon. Both are pretty in your own ways, but between the two of you, Eun hye, you were the more practical and sensible one. And this one,” pointing to her, “would do anything she haven’t tried. In short, the wild one.” Then he laughed again. In Na just smiled. “So you’re right. So will you help me?Pretty please?” Richard stopped laughing and looked at her. She had that look again, which meant she is determined to do with what she was planning. “As long as it’s not illegal…”

“Oh it is.” Eun Hye said with sarcasm.

Richard looked alarmed. In Na laughed. “Oh, no. Nothing of that sort.” She put her head low on the table and whispered to Richard. “I’m trying to get laid.”

“You what?!!”

“I told you, it’s illegal.”


She laughed at the shocked expressions of the two people in front of her.”So that I will not die a virgin, of course.”

“You are still a….” That was Richard.

‘Oh, inconveniently so, Richard.”

“Why don’t you just do it with your boyfriend?”

It was Eun Hye’s turn to wave her hand dismissively. ‘Well all her boyfriends were jerks. No one worthy to give her virginity to.”

“So, where does this concern me?”

She hesitated. How would she tell him? “Er, since you are our friend since we were high schoolers, we have complete trust with you…” She stopped and looked at Eun Hye but she is not looking at her but instead looking outside with an annoyed expression on her face. “You have those extra rooms upstairs right? I could stay in one of those, and maybe tonight there will be someone you know who is clean and atleast with a good personality. You know, a nice guy.”

Richard stared incredulously at In Na. “What happened to you girl? What if that person I thought is nice would rape you? or have a disease I know not? What if you get killed or among other worse things?”

In Na looked away. “I know. But you have that instinct on knowing who are good people to those who are not. You let me meet Eun Hye when I have no one, and told me which of my bfs are jerks. 100% you are right. You are always right. I just want to experience it without being in a relationship. Everybody does it. Why not me?”

“Because you two girls are special.You will always be. What you are asking from me is too much. I cannot bear something to happen to you.”

In Na beamed. “Nothing wrong will happen to me. I have my sleeping gas here, or I could inject it to the guy if ever he gets violent or force me… I’ll pretend I’m touching his back then I’ll inject. He’ll be asleep in no time.So will you help me?”

Eun Hye and Richard exchanged helpless looks.

I win.

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