2) Saving a Human, are You Crazy?!

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Mama's POV

Watching as my little girl falls back into the murky water, I stand there in shock, "This is not possible, it can't be!" She can't have a silver tail! Pacing on the bank of the pond, Amedee's, an old elf's, words echo in my head,

"Thou one to bare a silver tail shall be thy one to free thy people from fear and this realm. But ahead of thee shall be a long journey in which thee might not survive,

Thy child shall be a mer-folk born and raise here on this realm, but conceived elsewhere

Thy journey will start off with a tragic happening, whether to thee or not I do not know, but one thing is for certain......

Thy child will have powers, powers more powerful than that of a pure blood making thee a great danger to keep around, but even more so to let go, people will hunt thee for thy power...

Thy child will be our last hope, if thy shall fail, then we shall forever be stuck on this planet in hiding.

But! Fear not thee child will have help, a guide will be gifted to thy from thee heavens, it will teach thee to survive the harsh world of the humans, and thy child will have more help along the way. Each will have a skill that will help thee on thy tragic journey.

On this journey thy child will find love, a forbidden love, love with a human... And thy child could choose to stay with thee human, but thee journey will be no more. Or, thee human will help thee on thy journey....

That is all that I see..."

No, no, no, NO!!! She can't be...... She can't be the Savior.... She doesn't have the guide! Unless.... NO! She would never lie to me! But what if? Ugh! Just for safety measures only! I will move us to the most secluded area in the realm, where I will keep a very keen eye on her, and if the council ask why, well I'll come up with something...

Maybe her tail didn't come and now she's depressed? That could work but I'll have to see if she can act sad/mopey for an hour or so... I'll work out the details later, right now I'll let her finish having fun...

Aoi's POV

Playing with the fish in the pond, I hear a splashes and a gurgling sound, what kunda fush us that?!

Curiously I swim closer to find out, staying close to the pond floor I follow the sounds, and quickly find it. "It nowt a fush!" I saw a small boy underwater, red in the face, splashing around, almost as if he was trying to swim?

Swimming up to him, I see he's slowly closing his eyes, ut owh, yowure nowt suppowsed tow clowse yowur eyes! Quickly grabbing him, I swim to the surface and swim to mama, mama wull know what tow dow!!!

Quickly stumbling out of the water I pull the fat boy behind me, he may not look fat but he is! "MAMA! Help, he fell asleep un the water!" I scream worried. Mama came running over and tore the boy out of my small, frail arms and placed him on the ground. Leaning over him she placed her ear on his chest, before she straightened up and started to push on his chest, where his heart should be.

Sky isn't that hurting him?

No, blue. She's saving him, his lungs are full of water and she's forcing it out.

Owh, Sky dow yowu thunk he'll make ut?

Yes, I really do

Humming, I nod and walk over to where mama is with the boy, and watch as he shoots up and instantly water starts to pour from his mouth. When he's not being a water fountain anymore, I kneel beside him, gaining his attention immediately.

We stare into each other's eyes for a long time, his eyes are a pretty shade of green, like the color of the brightest moss. His shaggy brown hair was thrown all over, his clothes where rumpled, and he looked older than me, Aoi wownder how he gowt un the water Sky?

"How dud yowu get un the water? My name us Aoi, what us yowur name?" I ask, breaking the peaceful silence, to cure my curiosity.

"My n-name I-is R-Rik-o, and i-I don't r-remember...." He stuttered out, looking slightly scared, "I'm n-not su-posed to b-be here. He'll b-be mad..." His small body shot up and he frantically took off into the woods, disappearing before me or mama could react.

Shortly after that mama took me back home, where she yelled at me for hours.....

"Aoi sowrry mama, I dudn't mean tow... Aoi dudn't know he was human..." I said pitifully crying, before I ran to my room and hid under my blankets with my favorite stuffed animal. He's a purple jellyfish with green eyes, and his name is Jelly... Cuddling into Jelly, I curl up in a ball and cry, I cry until I can't anymore, then I passed out.

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